SNOW!! I LOVE SNOW!!! We got some snow and it's still stuck on the ground! Oh the happy days of my life.
Guess what friends? Jonathan is coming to Michigan to spend Christmas with my family!! Woohoo!
The coolest thing about this trip, is the ticket was a blessing, given to Jonathan and I as a gift from so many of our wonderful, dear, amazing friends! I was so overcome with thankfulness, I just teared up and cried.
Jonathan and I have been blessed with so many wonderful...blessings, these past few months.
So, *dramatic pause for effect* this week is a very important week you know. Why? Well, 1. It's the HSLDA Christmas party (sadness, JB won't be there) and 2. Narnia comes out! WOOHOO!
I don't even know the story really, or Narnia, but I'm just as excited to see it! I'm like those people who dress up for...well...yeah, anyway.
So that is happening this week and then...I got a new, pink top, very exciting. That, combined with the song "It's a Jolly Holiday" (from Mary Poppins) and yeah, pretty much it's a "Glorious day".
I guess this post isn't very informative or "news filled" it?
Well, what's to tell now? I mean, JB and I fell in Love, we're getting married, wedding plans are going swimmingly... Oh! Wait! um. no. actually, yeah...nothing, there wasn't anything to tell.
blink. blink.
Gosh, I'm so excited!! I'm gonna have a wonderful You should see my dress!! LOL! It's so pretty.
Ok, so perhaps I have just wasted all your time with this post. Honestly though, it was a good waste. I mean, reading words typed out by Missi...that's very good use of your time:-)
Hahahahahahaa! Did you check out the wedding pics? Those were pic's from JB's sisters, wedding. She is gonna be my sister-in-law soon. *sigh* So many exciting things are happening all the time!
Ok, leave me a comment. After all, half the fun of posting is getting to read the comments left. Here, I will give you an example of a good comment...ahem..
"Wow, Missi...your a such a dear. Nice post"
"Missi, you are so funny, you make me laugh all the time"
or the classic...
not really sure why that's a classic, but it's an easy comment to type out, and it could mean a million things, therefore allowing the readers to draw their own conclusions (is that how you spell that word?)
Ok. Bye!