Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Random pics from our trip to AZ

Here are the siblings all together. Aren't they a cute little family? lolThis is Jade and I after our hike eating yummy fishy crackers. Yum!
Jade had her first swing with some friends we met at a park. I didn't get any shots of her laughing but she did enjoy the swing.
All of the family stayed at Aunt Susie' for the week. She is a fabulous hostess!
Among many gifts that Susie gave to Jade, one was this adorable bath robe. Isn't she to cute?!
Jonathan hates me taking pictures of him, but I was able to get this one, he even has a nice big smile!
We ate out a lot while in AZ (yes, I did get some fabulous mexican food while there, be very jealous!) This is baby Jade with Grandma...and a spoon:)
Aunt Autumn had never met Jade before, they got a long great! In fact, Autumn did a lot of babysitting while we were there. Thanks Autumn!
Here is the whole family, except for Joe (Autumn's husband), someone had to stay home and watch all the doggies:)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Some pics from our AZ trip

Hi friends! We are back!! What a nice trip we had in AZ, I couldn't believe how warm it was in late October (80's and 90's, sunny and dry every day!). I have a couple hundred pics from the trip so I think I'll do a few posts on the visit instead of one really long one.

So here goes. On Saturday our gang of friends headed to Piestewa Peak (elevation is 2,608 feet) to do a little hiking. We left around 7:30am in hopes to avoid the really hot afternoon sun.

This was Jade's first first hike where JB carried Jade, perhaps I should say. He did a great job;) Here we are at the bottom getting all ready
This is us at the very beginning of the trail where our group was still all together.
Can you see Jade's pink hat in this pic?
Almost to the top!!
Jade was hanging on to her hat, in case it blew away. I like JB's face in this pic...he had it the worst since he had to carry the backpack:)
Here we are over looking the city.
This is our whole group, Bechtles, Bechtles and more Bechtles;) lol
JB, Jade and I headed back down first, since Jade wasn't to keen on just sitting at the top and enjoying the view. Here we are chilling in the shade til everyone else joins us.
It was a fun climb!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Just an update

Hello my friends and lovely blog readers. I just wanted to say...I love you all! *grin* Knowing that people (regardless if they comment or not) are reading my blog and expressing some sort of interest in my life, is a very touching thing. So thank you, and I hope you continue reading my blog for many years to come.

That all being said, I have nothing super interesting to write. However, I have found, most blog pages aren't incrediably interesting for every post.

Any how, if you read my previous posts you will see that I just recently got to visit one of my sisters for a day and a half. We had a wonderful, lovely, very short visit and it totally made my month. The sad thing about living so far away from family is rarely getting to see them, I love living where I live and I don't really care to move, but I miss my old friends and family SO much!

This week we three are headed down south to Arizona. I'm very excited about this trip. It will be my first tirp to AZ and I'm looking forward to being in a state where the temps are considered "low" at 80 degrees in the dead of fall. lol. I'm packing up my flip flops and tank tops and secretly hoping to return with a slight tan:)

My life is going really fabulous right now. We live in a fabulous house, we have wonderful friends and I've found myself to be so busy with social engagements my house keeping has been wanting. But I like that. I like being so busy with "stuff" that I have to rush to clean my bathroom. I want to have a clean and organized home, but not so clean and organzied I don't have a life! I love having people over, I love feeding people too. I have decided I will most likely be one of those grandmothers who makes all her grandkids fat cause she always has to feed them whenever they are with her. There is a part of me that feels so jolly and so content when I know people are enjoying themselves and eating something very yummy at the same time.

The fall and cold weather brings this baking and feeding side out of me. When it's cold and chilly out the best thing is a steaming piece of fresh baked bread with butter or a nice hot cup of coffee or chocolate. *sigh*

Church life is really good too. I haven't always enjoyed going to church. I know that sounds awful, but it is true. People can really make or break a church. I am of the mindset where I think it is good and right to attend church as much as you are able, but finding the right church and church family is important. I didn't have much of a say on the church we are attending now, as my husband was already going when I married him. However, God has really bless me (us) with a wonderful church home and family. The people are friendly, the sermons are good and I feel like if I were ever in need I could come to someone, or anyone, in the church and be shown the love of God that all Christians should have for one another.
I think it helps too that I stay out of the politics of church. I think if I knew all the nitty gritty details I may not enjoy church as much as I do. But who knows, maybe we really do attend a "perfect" church. ahahaha! Not likely. In fact, I am glad there is not such thing as a perfect church body, we (as humans) aren't perfect and I like knowning I am surrounded by people who do love God but also make just as many mistakes as the next person.

In mommy news, Jades is SO much fun right now! She is 9mons and as happy as ever. She is on the petite side, I guess, so she may not be as big as her other 9mon old baby friends, but she has a short momma, so what can you expect? That may change, so we'll have to see.

Potty training her over the past month has been an interesting experience. She likes to sit on her baby potty looking at baby books and chewing on toys. She sits there with her little budda belly resting on her baby fat thighs and giggles and laughs at me as I make noises trying to encourage her to go potty. She go too! It's kind of funny, she'll go poo or pee and happily watch me flush her accomplishment down the toilet. lol! It doesn't happen all the time, but a few times a day, so that's cool. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping by the time she is a year and half (or maybe two years) she'll start making the connection and all this silly effort I'm putting in will pay off. And if not, oh well. At least I can write in her baby journal that she went potty on a potty at 8mons old. lol!

JB has been doing pretty good too, for those of you who only read this blog because you know him;) lol! He is doing well at work and I think having lots of fun at home with his crazy wife (me) and adorable daughter (Jade). We had a big windstorm last week that took out our power for a few hours. It knocked down many trees and plenty of branches around town. One of which was in our front yard! A tree limb that is. I was a bit worried about the branch that broke, it was large and precariously hanging from another limb and leaning up against our roof. My big superman grabbed a rope and a saw and hanked that big sucker down. He cut it up and dragged it in our backyard. It's nice having a big, tough man to protect you from scary tree limbs. lol!

In fashion news. I miss H&M and other fabulous cheap, trendy stores. I visited H&M while with my sister and that was so much fun! My nails are painted a deep purple red and I'm feeling like a stylish mom:) I also found the cutest pair of earrings at walmart for $2.50! I love fab deals like that on cute little items.

If I don't blog for a week or so, it's because we are gone or I am busy with my wonderful social life. lol! Lata friends!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

On second thought...I have some time

Hello my blogger friends. This is Jade. Mom posted a bit ago saying she didn't have time to post...but she does. Ok, so back to my posting. Monday morning Mom said we were going to go on a crazy, short, trip to see my cousin and my Auntie. I wasn't sure what she was talking about at first. We drove to the airport and once inside there was a TON of people. I thought that was cool a first and figured mom said it was going to be a crazy trip cause she doesn't like crowds or something.
After we got there Dad and Mom said there was a few delays and we'd just have to hang out for a few hours. That was cool for me. Dad read me a cool book and we all played on the floor and ate lunch together.
Two, very long plane rides later, I realized why mom said it was going to be a crazy trip. Around Mid-night we arrived at our destination. We were greeted by my Aunt Nic. She was cool, crazy, fun, pretty, and liked to hold me. I like Aunt Nic. She drove us home and found me a place to sleep in her house. I was SOOO tired.

The next morning I met my cousin CJ. I had met him before, but that was a LOOOONNNNGGG time ago, and I felt like it was our very first meeting. He was really cool. He has big eyes and a big smile and likes to do everything I like to do (Crawl, eat, stand, crawl, play, eat, laugh, etc). We became fast buddies and did everything together.

Later that day Mom and Auntie took us to the mall. I wasn't to sure about the mall trip, but then Mom and Auntie bought us some yummy french fries at the food court and that made me happy. I LOVE fries!
CJ and I shopped with our moms ALL day long. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon playing down stairs and eating and play. Aunt Nic and cousin CJ have cool toys to play with. Before I knew it we had to go to bed. CJ and I are good babies though and we went to bed right away.

The next morning we took things slow, I got a long morning nap and then we all drove to Mommies old work to meet her friends. That was cool, all Mommies friends wanted to hold me and feed me there lunch. I LOVE food! I love mommies friends! I was a bit tired from all the happenings though, so I wasn't to worried about taking a good picture here.
Mommy and Aunt Nic were really sad to say goodbye. They only got to see each other for a day and half and really wished they could hang out with each other longer. I told mom she was a big girl and remember she'll get to see her sister and all of her siblings in early January.
Granted, deep down, I'm bummed that we had to leave so soon too. CJ and I had a great time playing together. "See you next year CJ!"

Quick post of my crazy last few days

Ok, I have to do a long fun post with details about my Monday-Wednesday of this week. But I don't have time to type right now. So here is just a quick summary. "I went to go see Nic and CJ on Tuesday and left on Wednesday, end of summary. lol! Here we all are!Jade and CJ are good buddies already, isn't this the cutest pic of them?

Friday, October 12, 2007 lost:(

I bought something on Wednesday for a party I'm having tomorrow. It's a table cloth. I took the item out of the bag and put it on the table. I then brought the remaining items in another room to take care of later.

When tonight came I started to prepare for my party tomorrow. And for the life of me, I can't find, can't remember, can't think of where on earth I left the table cloth I bought!!! Waa!! Why? Where!? How!? I'm so confused. I've looked through all our trashes, every room in the house, every draw, cabinet, closet. I even looked under my dresser and bed and all the furniture. Near tears and complete frustration my husband decided to search for me while I laid dramatically on the couch. Woe, is me. Woe, I say.

It has been an hour and half since I started my search. I have turned up nothing. *sigh* where on earth could I have hidden a table cloth? It's not like lipstick or a barrette that you could drop somewhere or outside and never see again. It's a big table cloth. I'm so confused. I'm so frustrated. Granted, I am now seeing a bit of humor in it all by typing this post. But still.
I just had to vent to my blog. Where did I put it? How could I be so forgetful?

The party will still go on, but my table cloth seems to be forever lost.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Sing this to "the Farmer and the dell'"

My baby has a cold
Perhaps it is from mold?
Hi-ho, the derry o', my baby has a cold

My baby woke up sick
Is there stuff to cure her quick?
Hi-Ho, the derry o', my baby woke up sick!

My baby is so sweet
She peed upon her feet!
Hi-ho the derry o' my baby girl is sweet

My baby girl is sad
She cries she wants her "Da!"
Hi-ho the derry o' my baby girl is sad

My baby is asleep
I taught her to count sheep
Hi-ho the derry o' my baby girls asleep

I think I'll clean the house
As quiet as a mouse
Hi-ho the derry o' I think I'll clean the house

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Children's Museum

Today we went with some friends to the Children's Museum, we had so much fun!
Here Jade is playing in a part of a "boat" jumping up and down on soft foam.

There was a construction worker section, so I figured I'd put a hat on Jade. Most of these pictures she isn't smiling because she kept getting distracted by other things happening while I tried to take her picture.

Jade wasn't to sure about this ride. So to make her feel safe I gave her some safety goggles to wear. Hee, hee.

Jade kept trying to grab the thumb on this chair:)
The mirrors were her favorite. I think I have ten pictures just of Jade trying to kiss herself or touch the mirror with her face:) This one showed her cute little face the best though.
This "sandbox" was filled with lentils. Jade LOVED to play with the lentils.
Me too! I had fun with the lentils, digging my fingers in the tiny lentils and dump them out.
Another room had all sorts of stuffed animals, costumes and a pretend tree house. Jade kept trying to eat the "dogs" nose. Here she is with two of her friends we went with.
The last room we went to was the "eye doctors" chair. After giving Jade a thorough eye exam, I (the doctor) determined she needed a pair of glasses. What do you think? Pretty nice, huh?

Monday, October 01, 2007

Like Father, like Daughter

For those of you who can't see how much JB and Jade look alike...a picture:) hee, hee.