Well, here I am again. I have decided that I am the best poster of boring, nothings ever.
I just spent some time, doing what I never do, and actually reading other peoples blogs and what they post.
There are a lot of good bloggers out there;) lol! I dare say, my friends should all become writers and write dramatized biographies of themselves. If movies, such as Emma and Anne of Green Gables and all those other girly movies/books, can make it...so can a story about any ones life. Just throw in a bit of the "not always talked about on a blog" and you and you'll do just fine. :-) *sigh* there you go, a little bit of smartness from Missi:-)
I am so glad I am in a line of work which requires me to speak with lots of different people all day long. I hear all sorts of wacked ideas, comments, concerns, cool things and outlandish things. It is terribly entertaining, and all so very interesting. I know I am not a person who usually thinks before she speaks so I'm wondering if there really is anyone who does. lol. If people honestly heard what they said and how they said it, they would die laughing at themselves. (as I will probably do after I read this post)
Today seemed to be my day for crazy people on the phone. Its a good thing the sun peaked out of the rain clouds over head, or else I don't think I could have been so nice to everyone as I was *grin*
I can hear JB in the other room taking out millions of bad guys on xbox...I think he needs some company...later!