Monday, December 20, 2010
Work Christmas party
Earlier this month Jonathan and I attended the Freedom Foundation's annual Christmas party. I just recently recieved a few fun snap shots from the affair. Here we are during the gift exchange, I believe Jonathan was gifted with some books on the Communist party (hee, hee,)
not satisfied to keep my gift I decided to go ahead and steal a fabulous "Santa" coffee mug from a wonderful Gentleman a few tables across. He obliged, only to open yet a second coffee mug about three times larger then I one I just stole. LOL
There was a bit of dancing. Jonathan and I, being Fred and Ginger, were naturals, of course.
and if desired, couples pictures were taken. "Cheese"
It was a really fun Christmas party!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
What is this new life I have?
My son is crawling and crawling well. I've gone from blissful Mother of two (ha.ha.) to crazy mother of TWO! Not that I can't handle it mind you. I'm just near crazy, exhausted and a nervous break down...but I CAN handle it.
This past week was one that tested my breaking points from every angle. With my husband, my children, my friends, my family...well, maybe not my family. I think the hype of getting ready for our family Christmas, events taking place EVERY day, multiple trips, babysitting, activities, preschool and the onsetting thoughts of preparation for our trips out East...I started freaking out. Freaking out bad.
Cutter crawling is just one of the many things on my list of first for this past week. And I have to say, the blissful ignorance that was my first child (she never got into anything naughty. My only "bad" picture of her was when she unrolled a toilet paper roll while trying to wipe her bottom) is being gently peeled away by my second. His precocious grin and contagious giggles and constant "aaa's!" have me laughing, not yelling, when he pulls down my bathroom beauty stand...but good grief. I'm thinking about investing in a miniature straight jacket just so I can have short breaks throughout the day.
We installed locks on our bathroom and kitchen cabinets when Jade started crawling. But they were never needed. They just proved to be an annoyance for all the adults trying to get into the cabinets. I told my husband to leave them since we knew one day we'd have a second child (er...hope to have a second child) and perhaps they would be useful. They. are. Cutter tried pulling out all the cleaning supplies while I was loading up the washing machine, and I was grateful his pudgy hands and the size of the bottle he was yanking at, equaled to thick a circumference to fit through the small slit that the cabinet lock provided. hee, hee
Saturday morning was our family Christmas (since we will be heading out East to visit Bechtle Sr. and Mangione's and Ridley's for multiple Christmas's). Leading up to this week I haven't had much time to breath. Not that it's anyone's fault but my own. I have a lovely habit of planning something or somewhere to go every day of the week. But this week it all culminated to a climax and I found myself crying out to God and my husband for a much needed break.
I think we found the break in what looks to be some baby colds for my children. While the colds themselves I am not thrilled about, they are my excuse to cancel everything from today till our trip on Wednesday. No MOPS, no shopping, no babysitting, no play dates, just home, cleaning, laundry, preschool, reading and playing with my kids and creativly figuring out what meals we can make with our limited supple (I don't want to buy more since we'll be gone for awhile!). I am sure by tomorrow afternoon I'll be clammering for a trip out, library, gas station, ANYWHERE. But some much needed bordom and stir craziness is needed. For my stuffy nosed kids and for my own sanity. LOL
Why am I typing this all out for the world to read? Because this is my blog and I rarely get to do personal updates. But today, my husband is vacuuming the house, my baby is napping and my girl is coloring beautiful pictures on her new art easel. So I have time. And I have no plans for now:)
I'm really looking forward to our trips East to see my family!
For our family Christmas my fabulous husband bought me a pair of tall boots and a new video camera!!! I've been wanting a new, small, simple, camera for months now and didn't dream I'd get one so soon! I'm thrilled. Already taking new film and looking forward to editing it down a bit and positing it for the world to see. I love making little home videos! And can I say HOORAY for boots!!! HOORAY!
I feel spoiled rotten and I'm thrilled!
Saturday afternoon we got to take Jade to see the Nutcracker. I LOVE the Nutcracker so really we were going for me. Jade enjoyed most of it, with a few moments of bordem and wishing she could talk through the show. I only saw Jonathan doze off for a few moments once or twice...and he said he enjoyed it as well. hee, hee.
Anyway, I think this is a long enough post for now. Just needed to talk out some of my thought, regroup and gear myself up for this week. Can't wait to have a boring few days and then off to see my FAMILY!
p.s. for those who don't know...this past month my husband was promoted and is now CEO of the Freedom Foundation...I'm pretty proud of him;)
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Gingerbread Houses
For our craft this week, still on a christmas and gingerbread kick, we tried our hand at making home made gingerbread houses. I used the same gingerbread dough recipe as I used for our gingerbread men last week. I didn't really let it cool in the fridge for very long, nor did I let the cut house pieces chill in the freezer for the recommended 15min (maybe 5) so if anyone tries this at home...don't skimp on that part. It helps to keep the dough from warping in the oven.
here is the first few steps, piecing the houses together. My icing was really watery but I had run out of powdered sugar. After the third houses third fall...I got the kids and we all ran over to a near by neighbors home and borrowed a cup of powdered sugar. That helped a lot!
perhaps there was more sampling going on then decorating, but the girls had a lot of fun. Ben (not shown) wasn't as excited. Perhaps it was because he had to share a house with his sister and didn't get his own to decorate:-(
here is Jade licking sprinkles off her fingers.
and poor Kyri was just adding the finishing flourish of sugar crystals when her house, once again, collapsed. Poor Kyrie!
Jade's stayed in place pretty well, but she didn't have as many candies on her roof (sampling ya know)
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Friday, December 03, 2010
Crafts and cookies
For craft day this week we painted glass ornament bulbs with glitter glue and tied stretchy plastic string through to hang them up.
Then we whipped up a batch of playdough and played around with cookie cutters and flour, like we were making actual cookies. A few of these treasures we attempted to dry out in the oven to make as playdough ornaments. I say attempted, because a few of them kind of exploded in the oven after I forgot I left them in there. hahaha

Then today, we had some other friends over and we made the most scrumptious batch of gingerbread cookies with royal icing ever!

after making a delightful mess in the kitchen/house, we went outside to burn off some of the sugar energy and Jade's friend, Tyler, let her try out his super cool "Toy Story" bike. However, this is a posed shot...she didn't actually pedal with it:) we are still working on getting her to ride the pink tricycle in the background. hahaha
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