One year ago I started Jade in homeschool Preschool

Even though she is half a year to young to start Kindergarten, we decided to go ahead and start her early anyway. She's been teaching herself how to read this summer, learned to count to 100 just for fun and has been aching to return to school, daily asking me "is it Fall yet".

So here we are, one year later and just as eager as she was at 3.5yrs. LOL

baby Cutter isn't so much a baby any more, and while he took his morning nap during our school hour (yes, just one hour...though tomorrow we may need to go longer. Jade was disappointed when I told her we were done) he too was eager to start a new year!

we are doing some sing, spell, read and write for Phonics, here Jade is coloring away on what she called the "easy page" LOL
Nice Puma outfit Jade!
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