Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Burfoot Park

It's spring break for most of our friends here in Washington, and while our homeschooling didn't remember to schedule a "spring break" we've been taking it pretty easy on the academic side of things. But eductation doesn't stop just because we close our books. Today we took a pretty hike the the green and lush "Burfoot Park" easy hiking trail. We were able to spot many exciting things, but my children's favorite were the white trillium flowers we found along the path.
 Jade worried we would get lost on our hike, so I assured her, if we did, we could most likely survive eating these pretty flowers until someone came to find us. hee, hee
 There were only two hiking options 1. a loop or 2. go to the beach and then loop back around. We chose to go to the beach:)

 I took a picture of these yellow calla lilly looking plants for my Mother, I thought she'd appreciate the beautiful foliage. :)
 First they were at the egde

 and then they began to go deeper. 

 Heading back...
 some of the steps required Cutter to use his whole body to get up. It was quite the workout for him.
 After a picnic at the park play area and bubbles at home, it was time for naps for the big kids.

While they started their naps I pulled our the trusty excersaucer. Jocelyn has grown to long for her baby bouncer. I cleaned up this bad boy and she's been playing away for a good 15min. Best $5 I ever spent at a garage sale. All three of my babies have loved this toy!

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