Saturday Jade and I got dressed up to go pick Daddy up from the airport (er...Jade dressed up) Here she is showing off her pale green dress and white sweater.

This dress was apart of a lovely gift from the Lucas family back when Jade was born. She is now big enough to wear it! Isn't she so cute?
In other news, poor Jadey is sick today. I think she has some form of the flu. Pray she gets better soon!
Jade is getting so big! Isn't it amazing how fast they grow up??
aww! Look at you Jade you're a real heart breaker!-Li
I am praying for her health. Flu is a bad thing. The dress and a jacket is adorable!!!
That is one cute kid! And I can't help but note- is that SUNSHINE in the background of those pics?!
What a sweetie!
Feel better, Jade!
Ah Jade! You are TOO CUTE! Sorry you are sick!
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