Thursday, April 30, 2009

I keep wanting to post an update of some sort, but I don't really have anything to update. And I don't really have any new pictures of Jade.

I wish I did. I should do an updated video of her. She talks so much now! It's so much fun having conversations with her.

She pretty much copies everything I do, has to brush her hair and do her makeup if I am, talks on her fake cell phone while I'm talking, constantly asks "What you doing mommy?". I love it! hee, hee

Today was a super low key day. This morning we just chilled while watching the little boy I nanny for. Around 10am we biked to the gym, it was still a bit crisp out, but warm enough we only needed a light sweater.

At home we ate lunch outside (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sitting in the grass, it was awesome!) She napped, I emailed. When she got up we went outside and colored with chalk on the driveway

"what you drawing mommy? Fly fly? (firefly)"

She knows six colors now: Orange, red, blue, purple, green and yellow
She counts to 15 and knows so many animal noises (and names) I can't even count

She sure is growing fast. My little munchkin.

Nothing really that new with me either. I'm almost done with Nannying, MOPS only has two more meetings left. I'm still working in the 2-3yr old Sunday school class at church. Bible study group still meets at my house. I've been meeting with a personal trainer for a few weeks now which has been really cool. I "think" I'm getting stronger. hee, hee.

A few things I'm really looking forward to are:

Jenny coming to visit me in three weeks!
My parents coming to visit with four kids in June
My In-laws coming to visit and watch Jade for us in June
And getting to go to Hawaii in June!

I guess that's all. Take care!


Anonymous said...

Hawaii is awesome... I went 3 years ago. Shopping and beach ... my kinda holiday! You'll have fun too!

Maz. Melbourne, Australia

Candycane said...

She's your lil mini me :D

Kristen said...

Good update! I didn't know she knew all those colors. Wow!