Today was one of those beautiful Fall days you want to take advantage of, go to the park, play outside...just be out in the wonderful, cool, sunshine. We didn't make it to the park but we did play outside for awhile. My little Cutter bug likes to sit in the grass and pull at leaves and twigs and eat them:)

Thankfully Jade is a big helper and kept trying to keep him from eating icky things.

this didn't bother him, he likes attention...he likes A LOT of attention. Some ladies in the MOPS nursery today accused me of entertaining him to much and that's why he can't sit still and must have constant attention. I thought it had something to do with him being human, but apparently not. hee, hee

Jade likes to play tennis the way you'd play ball. I throw the tennis ball at her and she swings at it with her racket. She wanted to pose for this pic and got upset with me when I snapped it while she was talking. I love my little diva.

She says the funniest things these days. When I repeat them it's never as funny, but in the moment I don't know where she comes up with these things.
She bit her lip yesterday and was crying. I tried to sooth her and asked her what happened "I bite myself" she sobbed" I bit myself with my sharp teeth!"
This morning while I was feeding Cutter and she was cooing over him, she put her arms as though she were rocking a baby and said "Wouldn't daddy be so cute if he were a tiny baby?" and then she started laughing.
She likes to talk about when she gets big, a few days ago she declared "I want to get big Mommy, I was to grow and be HUGE, just like you!"
I have to wrap this up as my baby is crying...but I just wanted to say that Cutter hasn't been to interested in food as of yet. But I did try him on some turnips yesterday and he actually seemed to like it! Turnips!
When gushing over this to my friend at the gym, she said "what are turnips?". hee, hee (Gym partner, if you read this...well...we'll talk later. I love you!)