Thursday, October 14, 2010

Silly sock day at AWANA

Jade is a Cubbie this year in AWANA and I have the privilege of being her cubbie leader. It's so much fun for me to see her interact with the other children, learn bible verses, play games and remember stories that were told weeks ago. Sometimes on AWANA nights there are silly themes for the kids to dress up as. One night we had "inside out and backwards" night, and we all had to wear our clothes inside out and backwards. Last night was "silly sock" night.
Jade and I tried to pull off a bit of santa's helper look with our stripped red and white socks (Jade's light up on the sides!) And then Jade told me we should pose serious and we did
I really love teaching in AWANA, but I love to see how excited Jade is to go even more!

1 comment:

GJ and Vicka said...

Fun! We had cowboy night last time:)