Friday, September 21, 2012

more on Egypt

Something I'm loving about Tapestry of Grace (only three weeks into the school year, LOL) are the lapbooks for Jade to work on. It's a wonderful and fun way to review everything she is learning. 

Below is her completed lapbook for weeks 1-2. Under each topic they have a flap for her to fill in with answers, pictures or drawings. 
 For our craft time this week we did some research on the Egyptian water lily, the Lotus. I was going to have her sculpt her own, but sadly found my sculpting clay all dried out:( So she painted a picture instead.
 I think it came out so well I plan on framing it and hanging it in the school room:-)

1 comment:

Sara said...

Fun! I just finished doing Ten Commandments lap books with my children's Sunday School class. They are neat! I will have to check out this Tapestry of Grace you mentioned...