Saturday, November 19, 2005

Jonathan: A hurdle is completed

I'm taking a brief break from wedding planning news to mention something that's been on my mind for quite a while. The dreaded California Bar Exam. Oogh. I think it's been on my mind for five years, since I first started Oak Brook, but much more in the front of my psyche during the past few months as I waited for my results.

The grades were posted online at 6:00 last night, and my life was briefly passing before my eyes as the hour approached. The method of informing the test takers is extremely cold and formal: you just input a couple ID numbers, and a statement flashes up whether you're on the pass list. As you can imagine, the bar server was extremely busy at 6:00, with about 7,000 nervous graduates hunched over their computers waiting for their fates to be determined.

I was one of those, of course, trying to imagine how in the world I could retake the Bar in the middle of getting married. Didn't sound like fun, no matter which way you cut it.

So my slow dial-up finally made it to the login screen, I typed in my ID numbers, and the following came up:


The name above appeared on the pass list for the July 2005 California Bar Exam.

Isn't that so clinical? Bunch of lawyers. Yay! My life can go on! School is over!

Suffice it to say that I was on the phone with Missi a moment later, and we had a lovely evening together...


M. Khater said...
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Janice Phillips said...

Congradulations, JB!! I knew you'd do it!

Sarah M. said...

YEAH!!!!! Congratulations JB, ESQ! We knew you'd make it. What exciting news!

Nic Ridley said...


Missi said...

Woohoo!! That's my Man! (This was typed by Missi)

Nica said...

Congratulations Jonathan! Joel was like "Man, I bet he is SO relieved!" We remember the relief it was when Joel passed... we too were planning our wedding and did NOT want to think about taking the Bar again!

Linds said...

Hurray for you, Jonathan!!

J said...

Huge congrats!!!

Leah said...

Congratulations Jonathan!

Juliana said...

Congratulations!!! I'm thrilled that another EFFer has passed the CA Bar Exam. So, is WA next?

Joshua and Carrie Briggs said...
