Thursday, November 17, 2005

Missi: Planning for a Party

Aaaa *sigh*, the wonderful bliss of planning a wedding. I tell you what; there are so many simple, easy, boring, plain, decisions to make.


I would really like to talk to the person who invented this idea of throwing a HUGE party every time someone gets married. I mean, come on….*laughing as I’m typing this*

I was talking to my Jonathan last night, and I was reading to him some of the things in my wedding planner “to do” list. It went something like this:

Begin Envisioning your wedding
Decide on a budget
Pick a wedding date
Begin interviewing wedding consultants
Interview Caterers
Scout reception sites
Find an officiant
Plan an engagement party
Research and purchase wedding insurance
Buy a gown
Book rooms for out of town guests
Start planning rehearsal dinner
Book a photographer
Book a videographer
Decide on a floral scheme and florist
Reserve tables, chairs and other rental equipment
Book a calligrapher
Decide on your grooms attire
Pick bridal accessories…

But that’s not all. Cause under all of these “to do” things is a whole other realm of questions. Questions like: Who are your photographer options? What are their phone numbers, how much do they cost, where they are located, what is their web address…..HOW SHOULD I KNOW!

It’s not that I’m stressing out about it or anything (at least not any more *wink*) But why is something so sweet have to become so complicated? Now I know why hiring your very own “Franc” is so important (see Father of the Bride 1 & 2), cause all of this “stuff” is so ridiculously ridiculous.

When Jonathan and I first set our wedding date for March, I immediately freaked out thinking we wouldn’t have enough “time” to plan the wedding. But the more plans are set in motion and things are getting taken care of, I’m so happy we aren’t waiting 6-12 months thinking about all these wedding details. I think I’d seriously go nuts!

A fun thing though, about planning this party …it is very cool to have my Mom and Dad throw all these options at me and then say, “Missi, what do you like the best?" I feel like a little princess on her thrown being shown a box of yummy chocolates, eating only the ones she likes and then throwing the rest away just for the fun of it. Hahahahaha!
I also like it when people say to me “Well, it is your wedding, if you don’t like it, we won’t do it.” Or when people say things like “Wow, that’s so nice, you have such great taste.” Hee, hee. Little do they know I stole the idea from a high-priced wedding magazine I purchased that afternoon…but that’s ok, let them think I have great taste, and wonderful ideas. After all, it’s all about “me” right? LOL

All I have to say is God bless all those poor Fiancés out there who have to suffer all the many wedding planning months, with their whacked out, stressed out brides.

Good news for me though, my Mom and sister have done this before, they know what to do and where to look. All I have to say is “yes” or “no”.

Aaaa, it’s a charmed life I lead.


Linds said...

I just heard the news and wanted to stop and say Congrats to both of you! (Missi, I'm just another one of the group who worked w/ Jonathan at HSLDA several years ago :)

Nica said...

Hey Missi, CONGRATS on your engagement! (I went to Paralegal school w/ Vanessa... and know Jonathan's sisters and mom from ATI/HQ)

I just wanted to recommend that you find someone who you can have hold all those cards the day of your wedding; not a bridesmaid, or even a sister if you want them to be able to really sit back and enjoy the wedding, but someone who can run around behind the scenes and make sure everything is JUST like you want, and isn't even your wedding coordinator. :-) It helps a ton. I've been one for a few friends, and I had one at my wedding. I think I'd call them the "Bride's Assitant and Wedding Executive." ;-)

Kristen said...

J and I got engaged over Thanksgiving and married in March. You can do it!