Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I'm wearing red lipstick
To match my red shirt
I styled my hair
And I swept up some dirt
I threw clothes in the laundry
To get them all clean
And finished my work
So my boss won't get mean
I've eaten my veggies
And ice-cream real fast
I've watered my lawn
To gain me green grass
My day is not over,
there's more things to do
But the stuff I must finish
Will stay hidden from you :-)
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
All about me and the baby

And while I am feeling very strong and healthy...

I can't help but worry about things and get that feeling of...oh, I don't know, being anxious I guess. I mean, they say my baby is about 5 and 1/2 inches long right now or "the size of a small sweet potato"
Hello? Mr. Potato baby? How come I haven't felt you yet? Are you just a comfy little calm potato? Are you gonna take after you daddy? Or will you be a HOT Potato like me!? Hee, hee.
I know I am getting ahead of myself. Most moms don't feel their babies move until "18-20 weeks" so I'm sure it will be any day now. :-) But, but!! I'm so impatient!!
I also want to get super cute maternity clothes now! That is a must for me, I think. I want to find a cute little dress to show of my new belly bump, and maybe some cute flats...and make-up...I LOVE make-up...and earrings. Ahem.
They also say, at 18 weeks, that my babies hearing is being developed. This being the case, I have created a "baby mix" on iTunes, for baby "B" to listen to while I work. I think "B" likes the songs, at least it keeps me happy:-)
On a workout note, J and I went speed walking last night. Have you tried to walk fast while pregnant before? It is very hard, but actually made me feel really good. We should do more of that. Though I don't know if J considered it speed walking, he has stinkin' long legs compared to mine. It was more like...normal walking I think for him.
Oh well. I guess that is all I have to say. I hope to buy baby stuff this weekend, as my MIL (Mother-In-Law) will be in town. I have heard what a wonderful shopper she is and I can't wait to go shopping with her! I love shopping!
I also love donuts. I have not had a donut since my last post on donuts and I miss my donuts. They need me and I. Need. THEM!!!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Did I have a good trip?
Ok, so I have like a million and one pics, and it takes five years to post pics on blogger...so I'll try to narrow down my selection to only a choice few:-)
Here is Nic and I showing off our bellies and giving sexy lip looks to multiple cameras.
Check out the diaper cake my Mom made Nic and I for our baby shower! lol! So cute!
Poor Isaac was trying to float, but he kept sinking his ring! lol!
J and I at Nics house:-)
There are many more pictures...I'll post more later:-)
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Here they are all lined up at the starting line. You can barely make them out in this pic. But they are there.
Look down by the trees, to the left, and you'll see the planes in this pic.
This was a super cool plane guy who did wacked dives and flips and was pretty much the "clown" of the show that made everyone smile.
And here is prego me, modeling off our new car...though I'm afraid the nose got cut off a bit in the pic. Hmmm. At any rate, we needed a "family" car as we now are gonna have us a family, so this works. :-D
And, of course, a picture of my handsome husband.
I got lots of other pictures of planes flying by, such as the blue angels, etc...But I'm afraid my photography skills are about as weak as my grammar. So...I do not think I will post them.
SeaFair was fun though, beautiful day, great show, yummy food:-)
Friday, August 04, 2006
http://janlynn.com/detail.cfm?ID=6831 This cross-stiching pattern is one I plan on doing in the near future...but it really says what I feel like doing today:) hahahahaha!
I am glad the weekend is almost here! I can't wait til tomorrow, I just love Saturdays!
I think I shall paint my nails red today. I never wear nail polish and I wouldn't be caught dead wearing red on my nails...but, today I feel like I need red nails. :) And red lipstick...yes, yes...lots of red lipstick.
I think I am going insane. I am very tired. Goodbye.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
But I never shall. Why? Cause I would look like a freak:-( Waaa! Here...this is what I would look like with super short hair...ahahaha! I look like a strange sort of tinkerbell or something! LOL!