And while I am feeling very strong and healthy...

I can't help but worry about things and get that feeling of...oh, I don't know, being anxious I guess. I mean, they say my baby is about 5 and 1/2 inches long right now or "the size of a small sweet potato"
Hello? Mr. Potato baby? How come I haven't felt you yet? Are you just a comfy little calm potato? Are you gonna take after you daddy? Or will you be a HOT Potato like me!? Hee, hee.
I know I am getting ahead of myself. Most moms don't feel their babies move until "18-20 weeks" so I'm sure it will be any day now. :-) But, but!! I'm so impatient!!
I also want to get super cute maternity clothes now! That is a must for me, I think. I want to find a cute little dress to show of my new belly bump, and maybe some cute flats...and make-up...I LOVE make-up...and earrings. Ahem.
They also say, at 18 weeks, that my babies hearing is being developed. This being the case, I have created a "baby mix" on iTunes, for baby "B" to listen to while I work. I think "B" likes the songs, at least it keeps me happy:-)
On a workout note, J and I went speed walking last night. Have you tried to walk fast while pregnant before? It is very hard, but actually made me feel really good. We should do more of that. Though I don't know if J considered it speed walking, he has stinkin' long legs compared to mine. It was more like...normal walking I think for him.
Oh well. I guess that is all I have to say. I hope to buy baby stuff this weekend, as my MIL (Mother-In-Law) will be in town. I have heard what a wonderful shopper she is and I can't wait to go shopping with her! I love shopping!
I also love donuts. I have not had a donut since my last post on donuts and I miss my donuts. They need me and I. Need. THEM!!!
1 comment:
Hey Missi! I felt that way too at my 20-week ultrasound, when I saw this little munchkin pounding away at my insides and I couldn't feel a THING. Everyone said it starts to feel like faint 'flutters.' What is that supposed to mean? But once you know what to look for, you can tell a lot sooner. I'm 17 weeks this week and started noticing Baby move by last week. I'm sure you've felt it, just didn't notice it and chalked it up to digestion or something. =)
On cute maternity clothes, Old Navy has a SUPER sale right now
(http://www.oldnavy.com/browse/category.do?cid=5888&pageID=-1) that you MUST check out. With only $5 shipping, you could snag a lot of cute things really cheap!
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