It seems to be raining non-stop these days. I don't really mind it, but I would love to see the sun out for a bit longer then a few minutes here and there.
Since Wednesday I've just let the weather get me down. I haven't been motivated to do much of anything but the very basics (work, cook, take care of Jade, etc). Today is is really gloomy, maybe not more then before, but I just feel the heaviness of the weather bearing down on my shoulders and I'm so close to going online and buying a plane ticket to wherever the sunshine is.
However, It's not yet 10am and I am finished with work (started early) Jade is napping...and with all this "Free time" I think I will clean my house, write up my next weeks menu, organize my closet (Jade likes to play in my shoes) and sit down with a cup of tea and read a book.
Something about having a nice clean house when I'm down and depressed, really works wonders for my mood. Makes me feel like it's okay to sit and do nothing cause everything I need to do has been accomplished.
I also have a half finished old movie left to watch...I do want to finish it...and I think today is the perfect day to do so. Man, it's so gloomy out.
Oh, cute note. Yesterday, I went out to run errands with Jade. We left, of course, when the rain was the hardest. No parking spots were close to the door, of course. I was just gonna run inside with Jade, like I always do. But then I remembered that Jade has a baby pink umbrella. It has a big bumble bee on top with a huge flower...and it's pink. I whipped it out and Jade and I went inside with out heads close together to avoid the rain droplets. She LOVED the umbrella, giggled with glee as she looked up into her pink world. We got so many cute smiles from people passing by. I know we looked adorable I proudly smiled back.
Maybe that is what I should do...go out and buy a big pink umbrella and use it on days when I just want to scream I'm so sick of the rain. It was amazing just how much joy that silly umbrella brought to Jade and I.