Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Random Info

1.Show some cyber-love to the person who tagged you.

I love Vanessa and Vanessa loves me!

2.)Post the 5 Meme Commandments on your blog so no one cheats.

3.) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself w/out grossing anyone out.

1-I use to have to write in a Journal every day for school. I would sign off "bye, bye!" or "Missi!" Now if I write in a journal I'm tempted to do the same thing.
2-I'm allergic to wheat flour while in the flour stage
3- I can do a one armed cartwheel
4-I hate carnations
5-I LOVE pickles
6- I think I have done three of these random info things this year.

4.) Tag 6 random people at the end.

I think everyone I would tag has already been tagged. Kristen? Rachelle?

5.) Let the lucky winners know by commenting on their blog.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I think I remember the wheat flour one...hmmm. I don't like carnations either, but J still gets them for me. I need to see you do the cartwheel. I never could get the hang of those!