Tuesday, February 05, 2008

First Steps and Pottery Barn

Jade has taken a step here and there, but mostly she only walks if she can hold tightly to your fingers. Which she LOVES doing. In fact, if she is awake and I happen to be doing something, aside from playing with her, she comes over, grabs my hands and pulls as hard as her little body can manage. I follow and she drags me along the house giggling gleefully as she "walks" where ever she pleases. Her favorite is going up and down the stairs. Then up and down the stairs again. I go up and down the stairs so often my legs should start looking amazingly fit and toned soon!

At any rate. Today I was sitting on the floor and she was playing over by the couch. Turning she laughs at me and I hold out my arms. She lets go of the couch and then, one, two, three, four...no FIVE steps...and she falls in my arms. "Jade! You are such a big girl!" I squeal. She laughs back as proud of herself as can be. And then we promptly go upstairs so I can note this in her baby book.

It's all so exciting. Granted, she wouldn't take any more steps on her own without my help, but pretty soon...maybe another few weeks or so? Maybe, she'll start walking on her own?

In other news, I figured out I only need a little under $1000 to get everything I currently want from "Pottery barn", to make my home look picture perfect. I must say, for it being Pottery barn, and for me actually pretending to shop as though money were no object, I was very impressed to find I only needed $1000 to get everything I wanted. lol! So if anyone is bored with their $1000, you may give it to me if you like:)


Kristen said...

Woo-hoo for little Jade! I'm so proud of her!

Anonymous said...

Jade, Walking is the best. I get to do so many more things now that I want to because I'm so fast it takes Mom longer to catch me. We'll have some good times together.

Nic Ridley said...

What do you want from Pottery Barn?

Anonymous said...

Hooray for walking! When Kaylah started walking right around her birthday, that was the beginning of a whole new world. From then on she got into everything. And it was much harder to keep up. :)
I am really impressed on your Pottery Barn total...mine would be much much higher, cuz I LOVE their furniture. I just love Pottery Barn, I've been poring over the latest magazine. Maybe we should just win the lottery.

Anonymous said...

Good For Jade, Hopefully She'll Start Walkins Properly Soon. Good One!