Monday, July 07, 2008

My big girl

Sunday afternoon we went downtown to walk around and shop. After a lot of walking around we stopped at a park and let Jade play.
She wasn't to sure about the tunnel. Daddy ended up getting in it and showing her how to go through. Wish I had a picture of that:)
She loves anything with a steering wheel, I think she is a gonna be a good driver some day.
She is getting so big, look at her going down the stairs by herself!
And...more steering wheels:)
For those of you who don't get to see Jade often and are terribly interested in how her life is going here are a few updates.

She has almost all of her baby teeth, this past week she was working on another set of molars. They were tough, she even had a fever. :(
She babbles non-stop and can now say "car", "nose", "eye", "shoe" and "daddy". We are still working on Momma.
She loves water. Which includes baths, her blow up pool and even real pools. I took her to the pool today and she splashed and played around right along all the big kids. She doesn't even get scared when they splash her or if she dunks her head a bit. She is such a big girl now:)
We have also found that she seems to be left handed. She started using a big spoon last Wednesday so Saturday I went out and bought her baby plastic forks and spoons. When we set her bowl and spoon down to eat, she picks up her spoon with her left hand. She is really good too! I'm so impressed with how well she eats. Granted, not perfect, and she does opt half way through her meal to use her fingers, but still.
She is still our good little eater and loves to snack and play and talk and build and read her books all day long.

We are working on potty training and are very hopefully to be trained in a few months:) (fingers crossed)

Anyway, I'm a proud momma with a happy, beautiful, healthy little girl. And I just felt like bragging.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like she's her grandmother's girl! So talented!

Sarah M. said...

I love the pigtails!