Friday, April 09, 2010

Hanging out with Cutter

Jade is napping right now so it's just me and the little guy. I've been trying to keep him wakeful during the day to aid in his sleeping at night. Not sure if it's actually working, but I'll keep trying.

so far we have spent the afternoon doing dishes, folding dish towels, picking up Jade's toys, watching Project runway, reading "timeline" and now we are getting in some computer time. Cutter doesn't seem very interested in the computer. No, he'd much prefer laying on my shoulder getting his back rubbed. So in between sentences that is just what I do.

He lets out a pitiful scream if I wait to long to pay him attention, so we shall keep this short for today...


Cristy said...
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Cristy said...

Ha =) I told her to bring Cutter over to a last minute jewelry making party and I'd hold him. Then no one was coming so I got mad and deleted all my invites. LOL! Then I took a nap. =)