Yes, I agree, they are VERY cute kids. *grin*
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
feeling holy
This morning I'm expressing milk while Jade is eating breakfast in the other room. With out realizing it, she comes in the room I'm in and stands watching me. I look at her and smile, just as I see her eyes get big and she gasps "Mom! Your boobs have holes in them!!"
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
thinking about my life
My kids are both sleeping, it's only 12:30 in the afternoon. Both up early means early naps, not to mention having had company over for brunch makes them extra tired.
Sitting here in my quiet house I've found myself feeling nostalgic and reminiscing about things in my past. Sometimes it freaks me out a little bit when I stop and see where I am today. What happened to that young teenage girl who felt like life and all it had in store for her was so far, so very far away?
Wanting to "grow up" and get married, have kids, those were pretty much my biggest hopes and dreams. I'm not sure I really thought about what I'd do after I got those things I wanted. Kind of like the fairy tales, they only seem to take the story to finding Prince charming, then they usually end there, as if happily ever after can only be achieved by finding ones Prince.
Many women give up great dreams and ambition to marry their prince, then raising children and being a wife take the place, but usually still lingering in the back of their minds are those dreams they gave up for love and family. What things did I give up?
I think part of me only allowed myself marriage and kids as my dream because I felt it was something achievable. Not as daunting as completing college or pursuing a career. But I don't know, maybe not. I love my life and I love my kids, but when the house is quiet and there is no work to be done, I can't help but think about my life as a single women, caring only for myself and not having to worry about duties of wife and mom. I miss my old friends, I miss my old hobbies, I sometimes miss that girl I use to be. Why? It's so stupid. If we always stayed the same and life never changed how horrible would that be?
I guess it's good these times in my life are rare. Because thinking about my past tends to make me gloomy. I'm always happier looking towards the future and wondering what else the Lord has in store for my life.
However, it might not hurt to bring back some of those old hobbies I use to love, make me feel "young" again...ya know? Okay, who wants to go rock climbing with me?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
My secret sister/friend
Today marks the last MOPS meeting for the Spring. We break for the summer and will start up again in the Fall. I was on the Steering team and part of the perks of being on Steering was we each were given a fellow steering member as our "secret sister". Each MOPS week (twice a month) we were given some kind of theme to follow in giving a present to our secret sister.
I got everything from hot pink capri leggings, to a crazy, awesome mix cd. A mug with m&m's, toe rings, "organic" Trader Joes chocolate bar, a salad spinner, family recipes, coffee gift card, edible body butter, a crazy picture poem...and then my secret friend "reveled" herself to me. She said to me "Missi, when I bought this gift I thought you needed something more spiritual, something deeper. I thought of John the Baptist and think...I think you need to be more like him". Then she handed me a small box. I opened it joking she was giving me milk and honey...a near by MOPS mom said "hey, maybe it's crickets". As I opened it, I realized with WAS crickets! CRICKETS! Salt and vinegar flavored crickets! Slowly I became surrounded by other MOPS moms coming to see what I had, as my dear friend Crystal began chanting "eating one! Eat one! I wanna see you eat one!"
Now, there pretty much isn't anything I won't try once. But "Food" that is really an insect or bug...not gonna happen. Right? Wrong. The peer pressure and Crystals hopeful, expectant eyes got the better of me. I'm here today to share with the blogging world that I ate a cricket. A nasty, salty, horrible, cricket.
I love you Crystal and I think I do feel a bit more holy now. Or at least empathize with John the Baptist. hee, hee
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My silly baby
After his morning feeding, my little Cutter loves to just laugh and smile and gurgle and talk with me. This usually lasts a good 5-10min. It's hard for me to always remember to get out my camera, but today he was just being to cute, had to get some pics of him laughing.

laughing and stretching at the same time. He's a keeper:)
Monday, May 17, 2010
I love cloth diapering!
So I never thought I'd hear myself say "love" and "cloth diapers" in the same sentence, but after one week of using my super cool bumGenius 3.o one-size fits all diapers...I'm in love. I have only had to change an outfit due to a leaky diaper once (disposables I had to change ALL the time, they always leak!) and it had been MANY hours between diaper changes, so it was really my own fault. I'm also using these velvety soft cloth wipes, so everything gets washed in the end...NO diaper trash needed!!
The diaper works just like a disposable diaper, put baby in it, velcro to size to close. Ta da! Baby is all diapered. Used diaper gets folded up and put in wet bag to wash later.
I feel so earth friendly using cloth diapers and I feel like the cutest Mom ever wrapping my little babies bottom in super cute pastel colored diapers. It all just feels so sweet and natural. I have so many diapers so I only have to do a load every other day and the outside part of the diapers line dry in hour. So far, I find these just as easy, or easier, then disposable except I'm doing a few extra loads of laundry a week. His clothes are staying stain free and his little bottom is avoiding baby rashes.
I also purchased a few of the Flip diapers, which are fabulous (snaps instead of velcro!). They are a bit clumsier to use then the bumGenius, but once you get the hang of it, they work just as well and you don't need as many since the liners are changeable in between diapers (as long as the cover doesn't get any poo on it)
I have two of the cool wahmmies wet bags one for my diaper bag and one for my babies room (found one in a nautical print for Cutters bedroom). They hold the stink in and the lining keeps the bag you can keep it in your diaper bag while you are out and about.
Oh, I also purchased some of the flushable liners for when/if I need to put baby cream on his bottom. You don't want to use baby creams by themselves with cloth diapers, as the build up on the diaper reduces the diapers absorbency.
Anyway, unless the following weeks show me otherwise, I'm totally sold on cloth diapering.
For any Mom who doesn't mind doing a few extra loads of laundry (I mean, come on, how many of you already do a few loads a week?), and loves to save money on diapers and wipes every month (not to mention tons of room in the trash can) you may want to look into cloth diapering. Granted, like all things in life...cloth diapering isn't for everyone so this post isn't to say everyone should do it...I just think IT'S GREAT!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Visit with Autumn
Aunt Autumn was able to come out to visit with us this past Wednesday (she leave in the morning). We spent most of the week just hanging out, going to parks and walking around down at the Market. But today, Saturday, we made an outing to the zoo...and boy was that fun! Beautiful weather, great time! Below are some pictures from our fabulous visit.
Monday, May 10, 2010
This morning I love...
....I love my daughters white milk mustache from drinking her milk from her cereal bowl and my sons silly little faces where he sticks his tongue out of his mouth and looks around taking in the world.
Feeling very happy this morning:)
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Getting to see Danny and Cutter six weeks old
My brother Danny was out visiting family in Michigan this past weekend to celebrate Nate's graduation. On his way back to Alaska he realized he had a layover in Seattle for about four hours. So, he gave me a call and asked if me and the kids could come keep him company. I haven't seen Danny in a LONG time...perhaps more then a year, so I was really excited to get to see him. We picked him up at the airport and went out to Red Robin for a late lunch and some hanging out time. Jade LOVED getting to hang out with "Uncle Danny" and spent most of the time poking at him and asking to be picked up. After lunch we walked around the South Center mall and Danny picked up a birthday gift for Vicka (Happy Birthday Vicka!). Sadly he couldn't stay for to long, so after that we took him back to the airport and away he went. I seriously think Jade thinks all family lives at the airport. lol
Yesterday, Tuesday, was the official six week mark for little Cutter. He smiles all the time now, especially after feedings when he wants to coo and talk or when Jade is paying him extra special attention. Like this morning when Jade dressed him up to "look like a person" with her purple blanket and his burp cloth. He seemed to think that was quite fun.
I'm loving life with my two cute kids and feeling really good. Rest comes and goes, but normally I get 4-5 hours of sleep, at a time, at night, so I'm doing pretty good for the most part. In case anyone was wondering:)
Sunday, May 02, 2010
All dressed for church
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