Sunday, January 23, 2011

Birthday fun

So my birthdays for this month were lots of fun. For Jonathan's birthday, on his actual birth day, we went to dinner and then a movie. Then yesterday (Saturday) we met up with some friends at Gameworks in Seattle and had fun playing like kids in an arcade.
Jade got to have a fun, monkey themed, party, where she got to invite "four" friends for her fourth birthday party. She also had a lot of fun...most likely a little movie of her special day will get posted on my blog:)
in other news, my homemade marshmallows turned out pretty yummy. They don't look like anything spectacular...but the pretend "foodie" in me, thinks I'm pretty amazing for having made them:-)


Nic Ridley said...

Such a cute birthday Jade had! Happy Birthday to Jonathan and Jade!

So have you seen Rachael Companik's homemade marshmallows from her Etsy shop? Check them out: Chris got me some for Christmas and they are A.Mazing!

Missi said...

I know, I know! Yum! Her marshmallows inspired me. I keep getting the updates on my fb roll and they make me SO hungry every time I see them! YUM!

GJ and Vicka said...

Me too! Can you make some when we will come? Or teach me:)