So in attempt to show myself I can post about my children AND myself. Here is a picture of one the many activites that make my life so much fun. I am apart of "Christian Fiction" book club. We meet once a month to "talk" about the book we have read (or I have attempted to read) and play games and eat food. Back when we started this club (was it in May?) We started a tradition to cook food for our get together that was talked about in the book. In some cases it has made coming up with food difficult. This last book we read, "The Shape of Mercy" one of the only foods discussed (well...I guess there was some fancy brie and thanks to Julie we were served delicious baked brie at our party) were eggs. So our meal was devils eggs and baked brie and an egg casserole
I love that I have this group of ladies, who most of which, love books, love God and love to read. I haven't been a fan of all the books we have read, but it doesn't even matter. Just hanging out makes it all worth while. (Oh and this last book was really sweet. Sad, sweet, interesting...I liked it, very cute)
I'm still apart of a women's bible study that meets on Wednesday mornings. Our last study forced us all to analyze our hearts and lives and I found nearly every meeting either I was in tears or someone else was. While it was a very good study, I'm REALLY enjoying doing a bible study on the book of Hebrews. I haven't cried yet! LOL
Tuesday's I attend MOPS. Love my ladies!
Jade enjoys going to AWANA and I'm teaching her Cubbies class:)
So I can't post without adding pictures of my kids. Here is a picture of Jade from a few days ago playing with her "magnetic" wooden paper dolls.
Cutter, from a few days ago, crawling rapidly after me as I tried to snap his picture before he ate the camera
Mornings when we are at home (so maybe 2-3 days a week) I spend doing school with Jade. We have an hour from 9-10am where Cutter usually naps. We work on her AWANA bible study verse, we say the pledge of Allegiance then we spend 20min working on spelling words the alphabet and whatever else I feel we should cover. Next is Math. Jade LOVES math "One more page Momma? One more page?"

My husband brought home some flowers for me on Friday. They are unique enough I had to take a picture. I'm not sure what they are, and neither was he. But I love that they are so unconventional. I wish I had more tables and shelf space, I'd love for my home to overflow with beautiful plants.
Speaking on plants, all my little tulip bulbs think that spring is coming early. While I'm sure it's not coming any time soon, I can't help but get excited with the thought.
I've planned out my planting schedule for my little square foot garden and I'm anxious for the months to change so we can get planting.

Today is just a laundry and cleaning and errand running day. I do love my Mondays:-)
Hey Missi, if I am not mistaken your Flower is a Protea, which is the national flower of South Africa:) You get different kinds of Protea's but the one you have is actually indigenous to my City LOL! It's an alien just like me:)!
I love all your posts about the kiddo's btw, 'cause I love them :D
So cool! Thanks for letting me know what the flower was Tas! All the more reason for me to love them!
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