Monday, February 19, 2007

My life as a mom

Today marks one whole month that I have been a mom. It seems odd to me that only a month ago I was a very pregnant women at a bowling alley...bowling with friends.

I'd say "time sure does fly" but I must admit this has been quite the long month. Adapting to parenthood isn't as simple as I thought it would be. Those multiple midnight feedings take their toll on a body.

So my life goes something like this right now. Feeding Jade, changing Jade (both diaper and clothes), putting Jade down for a nap, trying to fit in some sort of domestic task (laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc) taking a quick nap, then starting it all over again. But who could get tired of that?

Look at this little bundle of joy:) Her little red face and pouty lips make me melt everytime I hold her.

Right now Jade is sleeping in her bouncy seat, tiny sounds of contentment are being uttered from her little mouth. I have the laundry going, dishes stacked to be washed, my shower taken and my bed actually made. I'm feeling very accomplished this morning, so much so, I figured I could take the time to write a nice long blog post.

Grandma Bechtle left on Saturday:( We will all miss her! It won't be long til we see you again!

Hope everyone is having a great Presidents day!


Kristen said...

Missi, you are adjusting to motherhood beautifully! You are amazing! (I was wondering why I wasn't in that picture, and then I realized I took it. LOL)

Amy K said...

Missi, be encouraged! The first two months seem like they will never end. It is very difficult with so many feedings and you are still recovering from being pregnant and giving birth. I promise you it will get so much better. When Jade is 5-6 months old it will be probably the easiest ever. And then she will get mobile and there will be a whole new set of challenges. :) But at least you won't be so tired!!

I know what you're saying though ... It's hard to feel like you never do anything besides baby stuff, sleeping and laundry. I promise you, though, that it will be over soon and you'll have a life again. :)