I'd say "time sure does fly" but I must admit this has been quite the long month. Adapting to parenthood isn't as simple as I thought it would be. Those multiple midnight feedings take their toll on a body.
So my life goes something like this right now. Feeding Jade, changing Jade (both diaper and clothes), putting Jade down for a nap, trying to fit in some sort of domestic task (laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc) taking a quick nap, then starting it all over again. But who could get tired of that?

Right now Jade is sleeping in her bouncy seat, tiny sounds of contentment are being uttered from her little mouth. I have the laundry going, dishes stacked to be washed, my shower taken and my bed actually made. I'm feeling very accomplished this morning, so much so, I figured I could take the time to write a nice long blog post.
Grandma Bechtle left on Saturday:( We will all miss her! It won't be long til we see you again!
Hope everyone is having a great Presidents day!
Missi, you are adjusting to motherhood beautifully! You are amazing! (I was wondering why I wasn't in that picture, and then I realized I took it. LOL)
Missi, be encouraged! The first two months seem like they will never end. It is very difficult with so many feedings and you are still recovering from being pregnant and giving birth. I promise you it will get so much better. When Jade is 5-6 months old it will be probably the easiest ever. And then she will get mobile and there will be a whole new set of challenges. :) But at least you won't be so tired!!
I know what you're saying though ... It's hard to feel like you never do anything besides baby stuff, sleeping and laundry. I promise you, though, that it will be over soon and you'll have a life again. :)
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