Woohoo!! (Missi singing) "Tomorrow, tomorrow...I'll love ya, tomorrow...it's only a day away!!!"

My older sis and my good friend and my tiny Nephew are all coming to visit me tomorrow! I found this fabulous picture of Nic, Kara and me in my photo archives...this is us striking our famous "Angels" pose at a work Christmas party a few years ago. lol!

I found this pic of Steph and me where we are at our friends wedding. *sigh* good times, good times.

This fabulous "foot" picture was taken during one of our hiking trips in Virginia.

And here is some of our group from that hiking trip. I'm not sure if Greg is trying to push Steph in or just get his hands dried off. hmm.

Sorry, Nic, I had to put this pic in...it's to funny! hahahaha! Kara, Kara my friend...your hair looks awesome! And Nic...rollers...lol! I LOVE it!

I'm so excited about our trip! I can't wait to see my nephew and see my sister and see my friend! I haven't seen everyone since August and it feels like a lifetime has passed since then. I'll post pics of our trip, cause I'm sure everyone is gonna wanna see how cute we all look together...plus, see what an exciting visit we are most likely to have:) AH! I'm so excited!
good post and great pics Missi. They brought back lots of memories. Have fun!
Ya know, if you go to The Picture People website, you can print off a coupon for a free 10x13. You should totally get pics done of the new little cousins! :)
Ah! Crazy pics...I love the one of us in our prego tops, though!
Awesome!! Can't wait to see pics and hear all about your weekend! Tell those girls I said hi!!
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