Missi to Jonathan: "Honey, have you seen this?"
Jonathan: "what?"
Missi: "Your daughters hair. I can't believe this, but my six week old daughter has dandruff!!! *shock and horror* What do I do? What do I do?"
Jonathan: "Nothing, she's fine. See, its stupid that people often relate dandruff to a social status...if our baby already has it and she is obviously not a low life"
Missi: "I can't believe she has dandruff...I need to brush her hair"
*walking away to find the baby brush*
Jade: "waaaa!!!!"
(She doesn't like her hair brushed)
On the return of my husband from his time away taking the Bar, he proudly bestowed upon Jade and I a Jogging Stroller. Complete with cup holders for water bottles and coffee, cubbies for keys and cash, zippers to store whatever we couldn't fit in the cubbies and a rotating umbrella top. Thrilled out of my mind I determined (since the weather was not favorable) to take it for its first stroll in our mall. While my husband thought the trip to the mall, just to try out the stroller, was a bit odd we did it anyway and decided the jogging stroller was definatly a keeper.
It really is a great stroller, Jade loves it and so do I. We took it all over downtown on Sunday and then later took it out again for a walk by the harbor with some friends.
I can't wait til the weather warms up even more so all three of us can take it out and actually use it for what it was made for...Jogging!
Today was my first day back to work. With only needing to work a few hours each day, I tired my best not to fret over anything. I woke up (er...Jade woke up) at 6am and after having breakfast and a quick shower, we began our work right away.
Jade did great while I worked, she sat in her bouncy chair at my feet, my foot gently keeping the seat bouncing at an even pace for her, while my fingers typed on my keyboard near the same speed. Most everything that I needed to do has been accomplished for today and I have complied a nice big list of everything else that should get done this week.
Now, all I have left to do is laundry, cleaning, cooking, doctors appintment, some errands and maybe a walk and a nap;) Hmmm....we'll see what I actually have time to get done. I feel like life is starting to return to normal now, things are coming back to how they were before I was pregnant and I'm looking forward to really getting back into the groove.
Cute pics of my precious baby in her Jogging stroller, will most likely follow soon. Maybe even some pics of my handsome husband. Happy Monday everyone!