My Mother-in-Law came to visit to help out and meet her granddaughter Jade. The Colts won the super bowl. My siblings, Vanessa, Jo and Isaac all had birthdays, and CJ came out to meet his cousin (pictured below).

Our first child was born, all sweet and pink and adorable. Jonathan had his 26th birthday.
Our first Christmas together, parties and being very pregnant.
Vanessa had her first child, Christopher Jr. (C.J.) and we celebrated Thanksgiving with friends.
Oct '06
My brother from AK came out to visit us during his birthday and on his way back from visiting the family in MI. I started to get very noticably pregnant.
My 23rd birthday!!! We also went to a Seahawks vs. Cardinals game. My first Seahawks game was very exciting.
Business trip for JB back East, turned into a family fun trip for me.
Jonathan's parents came out to visit later that month, we took them to see Mt. Rainer, very nice weather!
Moving to WA, jogging, shopping, setting up house, playing with friends, lots of walks, drives having fun together.
Getting married.

I was just looking at Jade today, she was all smiling and happy. Slowly I replayed in my brain everything that has happened this past year. I still can't believe that in one years time I got married, moved across country had a baby and met lots of new friends.
I was just looking at Jade today, she was all smiling and happy. Slowly I replayed in my brain everything that has happened this past year. I still can't believe that in one years time I got married, moved across country had a baby and met lots of new friends.
It has been a wonderful year, yet another to add to my wonderful life. While at times I find myself overwhelmed by all the happenings and often wish for life to slow down, I'm constantly amazed at what God has done in my life and all the wonderful blessings he has given to me.
This has been a wonderful first year of marriage, I couldn't be happier!
whoa, that is a lot of change! God is very good!
Great post! It's so fun to see how God has blessed y'all in the past year.
When you put it all together like that, wow, there has been a lot of change in your life this past year! Amazing stuff. God is good!
Good year-in-review!
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