Monday, January 28, 2008
Jade's Birthday Cake...a week late
Here is the birthday girl wondering why she is wearing a funny hat and wondering why everyone is singing to her.
Here she is with her party friends and their party hats. I think she is sticking her tongue out at Li
And here she is with her first taste of cake. "Yum"
And again "not bad mom"
and again "this stuff is really good!"
and again "what? what's with the plate, it gets in my way of eating...away with the plate!"
and the end "alright! That was fun!"
"Can I have some more icing please?"
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Playing, presents, wisdom teeth and sisters!
Last Friday, Jade and I went to the children's museum with some friends. Unfortunately, Jade was cutting molars and wasn't feeling to well. So this was the only pic I was able to get of her.
On Tuesday Jade had her birthday, we didn't do much except let her open some gifts, here she is with gifts from Grandma Bechtle!

On Thursday, Jade and I were feeling much better (we had been sick). We headed to the airport to pic up Aunt Jo and Aunt Lalia (or Li). However, we got there a bit early, so we had a LONG time to wait. We played with my sunglasses. So fun!
When the girls finally arrived, they were starving. So Jade and I took them to Red Robin in Seattle. That made them very happy.
Jade was pretty happy they were here too. She snacked on our fries and PB&J...yum!
Friday, bright and early, I went to the oral surgeon to have all four wisdom teeth removed. Here is an amazing photo of me all nice and drugged up. Apparently I asked for a picture to be taken. Jonathan said I was very giggly...not sure why.
Today I was feeling better so we girlies headed to the mall to do some shopping. I got Li a cute little dress and Jo some cute pants. That was fun. We couldn't stay out to long cause I started feeling loopy.
After dinner we pulled out Cranium and JB and I showed Jo and Li who the best in the world are. Yes, we won...but only by the hair of our chinny, chin, chin.
Tomorrow we celebrate Jade's birthday for real, with a cake and everything. Hurray!
On Thursday, Jade and I were feeling much better (we had been sick). We headed to the airport to pic up Aunt Jo and Aunt Lalia (or Li). However, we got there a bit early, so we had a LONG time to wait. We played with my sunglasses. So fun!
After dinner we pulled out Cranium and JB and I showed Jo and Li who the best in the world are. Yes, we won...but only by the hair of our chinny, chin, chin.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Jade's 1st birthday and more pics of JB's
Today is Jade's first birthday. Isn't she beautiful? Due to a bad cough that Jade has...we are going to postpone the party and cake till she feels better. Poor Jade. 
I forgot to charge the battery in my camera, so I only got a few pics of our bowling party last night. Here is JB, Sarah and Pat. They where the winning team!
here is JB, after shooting...he didn't know I was gonna take his pic.
And here is a super, good looking couple I saw at the bowling alley and begged to take their picture:)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Love!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Our Trip to Dallas, TX
Last Wednesday Jade and I prepared to leave to go visit our good friend , Jenny, in Dallas , TX. Since Papa Bear was out in D.C. taking over the world, Jade and I decided to arrive over two hours early to our make sure we didn't miss it.
To our dismay, but not discouragement, our flight was then delayed an hour. So we got lunch. Once on the plane we sat on the runway for an hour until being told there was something wrong with the plane. So we came back to the gate. At the gate, we sat for an hour while they tried to see if they could fix it for us. Needless to say our connecting flight would be missed. This was very discouraging. Sitting on a non-moving plane for two hours after sitting in an airport for over three...with a small baby, is tough stuff.
We got off the plane and were told to go to another with the same destination. However, that flight was nearly booked Jade and I didn't get a seat. Options: they could send us to Chicago and we could stay over night there and get a flight sometime in the morning to Dallas, we could go to Baltimore and do the same thing, Denver and do the same thing...or we could take a red eye at 11:40am and make it into Dallas at 5am. "We'll take that!" I said. The optimist that I am.
By 6pm Jade was asleep in her stroller and I was walking up and down the airport trying to pass the time. At 10p.m. the voice on the loudspeaker told all passagers leaving on the 11:40pm flight to go the ticket counter. I ran to the ticket counter praying that we were leaving early and they just wanted to make sure we were all cool with that. Nope. Delayed. What was I thinking? So I did what any sensible mom with an overly tired baby and a simple destination would do. I started crying. lol! So, they rebooked us, same time, different airline. Thank the LORD! Jade slept and I prayed my body wouldn't move so as not to wake her. We arrived in Dallas at 5am. Nice. I was beat.
To make things even more glorious they had all my bags but no baby seat. And since I switched airlines there were all these stupid requirements that meant the airline that lost my bags couldn't help me. The airline that never touched or saw my bag is who I had to file a claim report with and wouldn't you know, they had no extra baby seats I could borrow. So I went back and yelled at the airline who lost my baby seat and with the help of a sad baby, a sad mom, and a very tired friend...they finally agreed to break the rules.
After a few hours of sleep we all left to go visit Jenny's school to see where she goes and let her have a quick meeting. Then it was off to get pampered. Pedicures all around. Well, Jade didn't get one, but she sat on my lap and enjoyed watching them give one to mommy. After a long day and night on my feet I really needed that pedicure!
I didn't take lots of pics of all the fun things we did, but here is Jade and her new best friend.
I am happy to report: None whatsoever! Here is Jade happy as a clam playing at the airport playground. She is quite the driver in a non-moving car...and proud of it.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Jade's first time in the pool
This past weekend our family headed down to Sacramento, CA to celebrate my Grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversary. I would have a TON of pictures of this trip, however, my camera battery died as soon as I got there (forgot to charge it) so I only have a few random pics.
The pic below is during the 14 hour car drive to CA, Jade got a kick out of the fact I put her favorite teddy bear on her head. We played this game a lot.
Once in CA and at our hotel Jade and I suited up and headed for the pool. Jade wasn't to sure what to think of the water at first.
But after a little bit she warmed up and even kicked her legs and did a little splashing around.

Here is Devin, Chris, Jo, Chris and JB chilling by the pool
Devin, Nic, CJ, Li, Chris and that is Anthony's stripped shirt:)
Hurray for a fun time in the pool. It may have been a long drive, but it was worth it! Hopefully...more pictures to come!
The pic below is during the 14 hour car drive to CA, Jade got a kick out of the fact I put her favorite teddy bear on her head. We played this game a lot.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
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