Last Friday, Jade and I went to the children's museum with some friends. Unfortunately, Jade was cutting molars and wasn't feeling to well. So this was the only pic I was able to get of her.

On Tuesday Jade had her birthday, we didn't do much except let her open some gifts, here she is with gifts from Grandma Bechtle!

On Thursday, Jade and I were feeling much better (we had been sick). We headed to the airport to pic up Aunt Jo and Aunt Lalia (or Li). However, we got there a bit early, so we had a LONG time to wait. We played with my sunglasses. So fun!

When the girls finally arrived, they were starving. So Jade and I took them to Red Robin in Seattle. That made them very happy.

Jade was pretty happy they were here too. She snacked on our fries and PB&J...yum!

Friday, bright and early, I went to the oral surgeon to have all four wisdom teeth removed. Here is an amazing photo of me all nice and drugged up. Apparently I asked for a picture to be taken. Jonathan said I was very giggly...not sure why.

Today I was feeling better so we girlies headed to the mall to do some shopping. I got Li a cute little dress and Jo some cute pants. That was fun. We couldn't stay out to long cause I started feeling loopy.
After dinner we pulled out Cranium and JB and I showed Jo and Li who the best in the world are. Yes, we won...but only by the hair of our chinny, chin, chin.

Tomorrow we celebrate Jade's birthday for real, with a cake and everything. Hurray!
You guys are too cute!
Is the Children's Museum fun for babies, too? The moms group goes there sometimes and I've been wondering when I can take Alyssa!
Ha ha! The drugged picture is AWESOME - all the other ones are just too cool for school. hee hee! I miss you girlies and wish I could be there! I feel very left out at the moment being the only sister left behind. :-(
You did look funny the day you had your teeth pulled,lol-Li
Cute pics of Jade!
Oh, glad to hear you're better after the wisdom teeth extraction. Every time I hear someone else has had theirs out, I vivdly remember how it was. Not fun.
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