Monday, March 24, 2008

Some days I love being a Mom (well, more so then other days)

Hello my friends reading this blog. Today is such a happy day. Jade is being an ANGEL! Granted, she is pretty near perfect normally...but today she is being extra amazing!

Ahem. First off, we started off our morning with a crisp (or brisk?) bike ride to the gym, where all the women gushed over how adorable she looked in her baby bike helmet. I think Jade is loving the bike rides, her tiny helmet clinks to the sides as we sway along. I can even hear her humming back there, humming along in her own baby way. *sigh* So cute!

She took her morning nap for exactly 2hours, then she happily ate her snack and then lunch with Mommy while watching reruns on tv. After lunch we folded clothes together. There is nothing sweeter then having your little daughter help you with house chores:)

Scene: Mommy folding shirts, Jade grabbing shirts and holding them up for Mommy to fold. Close scene.

Anyway, after laundry we played upstairs for a bit, reading, building, checking emails, more reading, some walking around...etc. Before I knew it the afternoon was here and it was time for Jade's nap. She went right to bed.

So here I am, typing about how easy and wonderful my life is today. And hoping to make those of you having a rough day terribly jealous. I am not a mean person, I am just so happy everything is going so wonderfully today and that my daughter isn't being fussy or difficult at all!

The other night (or a few nights ago). Jade woke up coughing. She was upset and fitful. I went up to her room and rocked her to sleep in my arms. It was the middle of the night and JB was asleep and the house was perfectly quiet. Just me and my baby and the sound of her heavy breathing on my chest. She was so precious, so tiny, so helpless. For the whole 10-20min we sat there rocking I did my best to soak in the moment and implant forever on my memory how wonderful it is to be a Mother and offer a small amount of comfort to a tiny child.
The nights following there was a small part of me that hoped Jade would wake up again and need Mommy to come hold her. Alas, and thankfully, she was feeling much better and no such luck passed my way. I know I have years ahead full of sleepless nights and wonderful moments like these. I feel so lucky and so blessed to be a Mom. Even more lucky and blessed when I have fabulous days like these.


Kristen said...

What a sweet post. I have a lot to look forward to, huh?

GJ and Vicka said...

Emma woke up 2 times at night to go to the bathroom... Then I had a good day till baby woke up from her nap and started throwing up... What is it a good day or not so good day?