Monday, December 01, 2008

Something new for me on the Horizon

Being today is December 1st, it hit me that I only have 18 days more to go before I stop working part-time (for HSLDA) and become a complete SAHM full-time. Not that I work that many hours a day right now, but still...I'll be done!

So with stopping work being just around the corner, and having Jade very near to being potty trained (she just wets at night and sometimes during naps) I'm really hoping to focus more of my morning hour time on doing projects with Jade.
I have a good friend here who always makes a point to do crafts and projects and fun activities with her kids and I'd really love to start doing that more with Jade.

For the past couple weeks I've been "teaching" Jade how to count to five. It started out as just something fun to do to distract her when she was upset (I'd hold my fingers up one at a time and count to five and turn it into a game) but when she started catching on and counting with me I realized "man, I could teach her to count already!". She also tries to spell her name with me. She has the word "Jade" up in colorful letters on her bedroom wall and when she points at it I usually say "Jade...J-A-D-E" and then she normally tries to copy me and says "Jay... A-A-E-E". So now I also feel like I could start teaching her the alphabet a little at a time.
So who knows, maybe I'll start pre-school with her a little early. That's the beauty of homeschooling right? You can work at your own pace, or begin sooner or later if needed? lol

Anyway, I don't have much to say. I'm just excited about stopping work. Who knows, maybe it will help me stop being so addicted to checking my email. I realized over the long weekend that I check my email ALL the time! I go upstairs, check my mail, I put Jade on the potty, check my mail, I vacuum the carpet, check my email. Go back up, check my email. It's crazy. I must check my email 50 times a day! I realize it's good to check your email often if you are working and your work is checking emails. But...I don't really need to check my personal email as often as I hopefully, stopping work will help me stop being on the computer as much as I am.

With that being said, maybe I'll end this blog post for now.


Anonymous said...

Wow that's cool! Jade is a smart little cookie!

Cristy said...

She is such a smart little gal. I remember Kam already singing his ABC's by 1 1/2 and poor little Caitlyn isn't even talking. I know she isn't 2 until the end of June, so I'm trying to not beat myself up too much.
I really need to work more at home with both my kids. I think you just inspired me. =)