Friday, December 05, 2008

Still teething I guess

I was sure Jade was done with or over (at least ) the hard parts of baby teething. From what I could see from casually looking in her mouth a few months ago it seemed as if she had all her baby teeth. But then yesterday she seemed really upset. kept pointing her her jaw and sticking her finger way back in her mouth and crying. After her morning nap it seemed she even had a fever. I took a closer look and could see one of her baby molars was only grown in half way. So I assumed she must be working to get the rest of the molar to pop through.

I think the saddest part if I had a lot i needed to do yesterday, and I felt awful dragging Jade along with me. But she didn't complain. She just laid on me as I ran in one store and out another. During one trip I got her out of her car seat and she fell asleep on me just from the short walk from the car to the store. I felt so bad.

This morning, she woke up chipper and happy and ready to watch "Feet" (happy feet). I'm so glad she is doing better and I didn't make things worse by carting her all over the place. I guess it just goes to show you that kids are a lot tougher then we often give them credit for.

Anyway, I assume she has some more molars she still has to pop though, so I guess I'm not done with the teething stage yet. Seems like it lasts awhile.

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