Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm in love with a tea

I'm not a huge Tea drinker, though there are times I'd really like to be. Recently, I was at a friends house and she offered me a cup of tea (just like in British movies!). I accepted on the spot (even though I wasn't really in the mood for tea) because, how charming is that to be offered tea?
I kind of avoided the cup for awhile, but finally decided to take a sip to be polite, after all, she made it special just for me.
My taste buds went WILD! All that she had put in the boiling water was the tea bag, no sweaters or milk or honey and it tasted amazing!! I couldn't stop drinking the delicious cup she had served me. So yesterday, while finding myself with nothing to do for an hour I went to the grocery store in search of this fabulous tea. It's Good Earth the sweet & spicy tea blend. They have it caffeine free as well. If you are or aren't a tea drinker, try this stuff. It's tasty!


Janice Phillips said...

This is TOTALLY my favorite, too! And it is really good cold which is good because I can't even tell you the number of times I walk away from my cup'o, forget, and come back to a cold one. The decaff is just as tasty!

Candycane said...

Tea is the best!!!

Kristen said...

I'm coming over to have some rainy day... :)

Missi said...

sounds like a plan Kristen!