Friday, May 15, 2009

My Jade is the best Jade

And yes, I'm very bias. I don't really have anything to share, I was just thinking about how amazing my little girl is and decided to post about it.

She cracks us up all the time. Her personality shines through more and more and it's wonderful. Last night, after going out to dinner with friends, Jade decided it was time to play outside. She wouldn't take "no" for an answer. When Daddy ignored her request she went and got his shoes for him, TWICE, all the while saying she wanted to play outside. What father can say no to pitiful requests of playing outside, on top of having your shoes brought to you. So at 7:30pm while our neighborhood was quiet, Jade and Daddy were playing soccer and running around in the backyard. lol

Recently, I was laying on my bed when Jade came in the room and asked "Doing Mom?" I said "oh, I'm laying down"

She left for a little while and returned with her blanket. She put her blanket over me and then crawled up and kissed me on the cheek. Then, leaving the room she shut the door while saying "night, Mommy, sweet dreams, see you soon!"

If one of us sneezes, no matter where we are in the house, Jade will yell "Bless you!"

Lately Jade's favorite food has been Strawberries. She loves them to the point of being sick (I'm sure). After giving her quite a few strawberries I thought she'd be done and left to go work on something. Pretty soon I heard Jade's screams for "MORE STRAWBERRIES! PWEEAASSEE!" I ca,me running to her and was like "are you sure you want more strawberries?" again she screamed "STRAWBERRIES!!!" I gave her a few more and she giggled and wriggled and in a sweet, little, cute girls voice said "Thank you, Mommy"

At any rate, I just had to do a quick update on my little pumpkin' tater. She's the bestest little girl ever! :)


Joanna said...

How adorable. I just want to give her a huge hug!!!! lol :)


Sarah M. said...

That's too cute, especially the tucking you in part. :) Lauren does the "bless you" to us and to herself. She'll cough or sneeze and say to herself, "Bess you!"

Kristen said...

She is such a sweetie. I'm lucky to have such a good little friend. :) Ha!

Nic Ridley said...

Can I have her for a week? I miss Jade.