Being the silly that I am the whole time my family was here visiting I didn't take ONE picture! I kept thinking everyone else was taking lots of pictures so I didn't have to. I stole the below pictures off my Mom's blog.
Anyway, last Wednesday my brother, GJ and his wife, Vicka and baby Sasha came to visit. A few hours after they arrived my Dad, Mom and sis Jo joined us. My parents came to visit, meet baby Sasha and drive Jo to College in Spokane. My brother and his wife came to visit and get paperwork taken care of at the Russian Consolute in Seattle.
While they were here we did lots of shopping, talking, laughing, eating, hanging out and sleeping. lol. On Saturday, the 22nd, we spent the day down in Olympia for "Sand in the City". My MOPS group was holding a "baby changing station" booth for moms who attended and I was in charge of putting it together. The below picture is of Grandma and Jade walking around while I was at the booth.

Jade may not look chummy with grandpa in this picture, but it didn't take her long to warm up to him. Especially when he brought her princess cookies cutters with a princess cook book that she really loved! Grandma also got her a "princess" bible. Jade sure loves her princess stuff.

Gj and Vicka had taken a red eye and hadn't slept ina very long time, I had to wake up at 5:30 to pick them up at the airport so we were all pretty sleepy. Still, I think we look pretty good;)

Here is my sister-in-law and me being silly for Mom's camera.

Wish I had more pictures from the trip, because it was a good time all around!
It was such a grate time! THank you Missi for everything!!! I miss little Jade - she is so sweet!!!
I'm laughing about the princess bible thing. LOL
'Bout time you updated your blog!!! You have such a cute fam!
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