Monday, August 09, 2010

Up and running

Trying to get back into the swing of things after having a baby can take some time. While I have been working out since three weeks post pregnancy, I've kept my workouts pretty basic. Simple stuff, mostly easy pilates and walking. I keep saying I'm ready for more, but haven't been able to organize my self enough to really do much about it.
As we all know if you want something bad enough you figure out a way to find the time to just do it. I miss working out and the lack of a gym membership shouldn't keep me from doing what I love. Heck, if I can find time to paint bird pictures and watch reality tv, shouldn't I be able to find the time to do a longer, harder workout?

So Sunday morning I could think of no excuse not to go I went. It felt great...all six minutes of it. Throw in about 40min of speed walking and it felt like a pretty good workout.
Todays stretches and running only totaled about 27min but 10 of those minutes was running. Baby steps, that's what it is.

I'm excited to do more with my routine and hopefully gain back some of my body confidence that has eluded me for over a year now (perhaps over three years, but we won't get into that)

Here is to priorities, running and being a stay at home Mom! Cheers *holds up coffee mug*

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