Do you have a Vogue catalog on hand? Turn to page 177 of the February issue. It's the photo spread on "Gangs of New York". I can't stop looking at the girl in the long, white, lace, ralph lauren dress with the riding hat and messy braid. I would like to be her for a day. Or an hour. Or a moment. Anyway....I was all inspired to copy her messy hair braid, but I have found, that braids are not something I am gifted in doing (Jade's poor pig tail braids are living proof of this)
But, since I have a great sense of humor and a killer "photo booth" app on my Mac...I've posted pics of myself. Enjoy!

this is the
dress, btw...but not the hair do
Oh wait, duh, I can just take a picture of the picture! Here ya go!

and the lighting is better out here, so another picture of my fabulous hair. do you see how is glows with the morning sunlight bouncing off it's luscious...lusciousness?
I love that!
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