Thursday, September 28, 2006
The bus stop
There is a bus stop across from where I sit, and try as I might to remain focused at work, often I am drawn towards the people who wait there and I can’t help but wonder, “What is their story?”
I have thought about creating a journal of made up stories about the “Bus Stop” and peoples lives, created merely by looking at their outward appearance. I think a lot can be said about a person by the way they wait for a bus. Its fun to see the guys in their dress clothes and brief cases, nervously looking for the bus and checking their watches, while the bum like characters some how find the mound of grass behind the stop to be a perfect resting place for a short nap while they wait. There is the girl who some how always seems to be cold, constantly pulling her sweater or jacket tighter around her body with her arms crossed the whole time, and then the big ladies who can’t seem to stand still and always have a drink or bagel in their hands.
Today’s favorite was some guy who must be mentally instable, extremely happy, or madly in love. The bus stop pole must have seemed more like a light post to him as he seemed to be reenacting the scene from “Singing in the Rain” when Gene Kelly is dancing around the street light. I couldn’t hear if he was singing, but his mouth was moving…so perhaps…just perhaps, he was. I couldn’t help but die laughing as he grabbed the pole and tried to swing himself around it. Then shoving his hands in his pockets, he kind of did a tap dance around it and then stood relatively still on the sidewalk swaying back and forth.
I love that silly bus stop. It offers more entertainment and mindless thought then I could ever hope to see out my work windowJ When I am sad or depressed I can usually wait for a few buses to come and go, and eventually, I get some crazy, goofy, silly, or happy person waiting at that stop who is able to bring a smile to my face. I wish I knew what their stories really are. I mean, what brought them to that bus stop to begin with? How come they don’t have a car? Or…how come they choose to not drive their car? And why is the man always late? The bum always tired? The girl always cold? And how come the fat lady never brings me anything to drink? I guess I will never know…
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Fall Cookies

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I know it is good to drink lots of water, its healthy, and good and healthy. But, gosh...why can't one or two glasses of water be enough to keep our tongues pink and our lips from being chapped? I just don't understand!!?!?!!?!?
no need to answer...I "know" the reason why we must drink lots and lots of water. I'm just kind of bored with water right now.
My thoughts on water in general: I am glad we live near water, I love the fact there is a harbor within walking distance of my home. *sigh* Some day I shall have a boat and I will invite my friends on my boat with me and we will have cheese and just cheese. I am sure I could throw some olives in there somewhere.
My thoughts on food: I love food!
Monday, September 25, 2006
blink. blink.
tissues? Anyone?
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Its raining its pouring...
*sigh* I'm so happy:)
Monday, September 18, 2006
Seahawks 21, Cardinals 10
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Baby "B"

*from the babies brain* "Whatever Mommy, I can't believe you are posting my ultrasound pictures on your blog. I mean, come on, does privacy mean anything to anyone any more? *sigh* Dude, I think I'll practice my guiter fingering moves now. Sure mom, you can think I'm just showing off my good lookin' profile if you want...peace out"
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Can my family be any cutier?
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Cravings anyone?
I am sure I am wrong, since many stories seem to prove otherwise...but what if I'm not?
What are your cravings? Some of your favorite snacks that you just "need" to have sometimes?
Mine: Chips and dip, pickles, yummy chocolate cake or donuts!
Your turn:
Monday, September 11, 2006
September 11th
of our biggest buildings, but they cannot
touch the foundation of America.
These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent
the steel of American resolve.
America was targeted for attack because
we are the brightest beacon for freedom
and opportunity in the world.
And no one will keep that light from shining. "
~President George W. Bush
September 11, 2001
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Our crib Adventure
Well, last night J tells me we are gonna rent the truck to pick up the crib. I, of course, had to come with him. When we got to Home Depot and walked up to the truck, I was shocked. This puppy was HUGE!!! I don't know what I was excepting, but not something this massive.

Here, do you see me in the picture? I drew a stick figure so you could see the difference with the size of the truck and the size of me.
The thing (truck) must not have had any shocks either, cause we bounced and jerk all the way to the store. I told J, if I were 9 months along already, the ride in the truck would most certainly send me into labor. And how bad would that be? Having your baby in a Home Depot rental? Hello? That would be awful! Lucky for me I just finished reading the section in my "What to Expect when your Expecting book" about emergancy deliveries in cars...not that I'm ready to have the baby or anything, but you never know;)
Ok, so back to the story. So, we drive the massive truck to the store, get the crib, drive back, carry the crib box up our stairs and then J went to return the truck while I passed out on the sofa resting after all that work:)
Needless, to say it was quite the adventure for the evening. Lucky for me I have a brillant husband who was able to set the crib up in no time...and it looks great!
Now, its time to decorate the babies room! Woohoo!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Anyway, ever since I have lived here, near Seattle, I have told the love of my life that I want to go to an, he took me!
Check it out, J on the ferry going into Seattle

My nose stuck in the pic of the fat seal creatures...they aren't normal seals, I forget what they were called. The seals and the otters were the best though!
J hangin with the Jellies
While J played with the Jellies, I took a ride on the back of killer whale. Righteous;)
Here is J with the Octopus, can you see it's eye? We also got to touch massive star fish...very gross, super cool.
This is me seeing how I measure up next to a shark. I think the shark wins.
It was fun, I had a blast. If your ever bored and in Seattle you should check out the fishes! And then you can go and eat some, cause yummy resturants are everywhere!