Well, last night J tells me we are gonna rent the truck to pick up the crib. I, of course, had to come with him. When we got to Home Depot and walked up to the truck, I was shocked. This puppy was HUGE!!! I don't know what I was excepting, but not something this massive.

Here, do you see me in the picture? I drew a stick figure so you could see the difference with the size of the truck and the size of me.
The thing (truck) must not have had any shocks either, cause we bounced and jerk all the way to the store. I told J, if I were 9 months along already, the ride in the truck would most certainly send me into labor. And how bad would that be? Having your baby in a Home Depot rental? Hello? That would be awful! Lucky for me I just finished reading the section in my "What to Expect when your Expecting book" about emergancy deliveries in cars...not that I'm ready to have the baby or anything, but you never know;)
Ok, so back to the story. So, we drive the massive truck to the store, get the crib, drive back, carry the crib box up our stairs and then J went to return the truck while I passed out on the sofa resting after all that work:)
Needless, to say it was quite the adventure for the evening. Lucky for me I have a brillant husband who was able to set the crib up in no time...and it looks great!
Now, its time to decorate the babies room! Woohoo!
Ah, that's gorgeous!
That's a beautiful crib guys!! :)
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