It kind of looks as though my baby is practicing his trumpet in this picture. Either that or the proper way to drink a glass of water. Hmmm, or maybe he/she's just hiding its face since its so emberressed we are taking naked pictures of it. LOL!

"Its ok little baby, don't be shy. That's right, you can put your hands down. Everyone wants to see your pretty little face!"

*from the babies brain*
"Whatever Mommy, I can't believe you are posting my ultrasound pictures on your blog. I mean, come on, does privacy mean anything to anyone any more? *sigh* Dude, I think I'll practice my guiter fingering moves now. Sure mom, you can think I'm just showing off my good lookin' profile if you want...peace out"
Hi Baby!
So...were you tempted to ask what it was?
nope! I want a surprise:-D
Wow, you are so cool. :)
Hi again, Baby!
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