Throughout my pregnancy, I have prided myself on my ability to maintain perfect balance, even in awkward positions. Part of me was beginning to think that I'd never have to worry about losing my balance while being pregnant. That was until this morning. *que the sweet movie music*
I got out of bed this morning only to find that my freezing cold feet were in dreadful need of a warm, comfy pair of socks. I waddled over to my dresser, pulled out a comfy pair and bent over to put them on...

Without any warning at all I found myself being pulled down and backwards by the massive weight of my backside and belly!! "AHAHA!" I screamed, grabbing the air with my hands in a desperate attempt to remain upright. No good, *BAM* I hit the ground like a lead weight. Shell shocked I kind of just sat there while my husband quickly turned around and ran over to me freaked out that I had hurt myself. Nope, nothing hurt but my pride. I guess I'm not as well balanced as I thought I was.
At least you're emotionally balanced...right? right?
pride comes before the...oops. ;-) love the sketch...heehee! Glad you're ok!
Glad you're okay. I can relate 'cuz when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant I fell really hard when I missed a step at a bowling alley. (I was there to watch, not play, although they could've used me as the ball.) :) I was so embarassed because it was in front of hundreds of people. And I was already self-conscious as it was because I was feeling as big as a house. :-P
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