Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My to do list for Tuesday a.m.:

Wake up and eat lots of food....check

Take a super long shower or bubble bath...check

Stare out the window and look at the pretty snow...check

Talk to my belly in a baby voice and see how the little guy/girl is doin'...check

Sit at my desk and work...oh, riiiggghhhhttt...check

Take a break for workout video...check

Make cookies to snack on later...hmmm, not yet:)

It's so much fun being pregnant!


Anonymous said...

Snow??? How much?? :) -Kara

Missi said...

not much snow, but enough to give the grass some white and make me feel all "Christmas" like:)

SES said...

I saw it! (watched Monday night football). Did you meet up with Rachelle's brother Mark while he was there?

Missi said...

I just saw Mark, but we didn't hang out with them over the holiday weekend.