Woohoo! I got a maternity coat today! Don't I look smashing? Actually thats the "models" body and my head...but honest, that's what it looks like on me too! LOL

I'm so excited about this stupid coat that even though it's lame and vain to post pictures of yourself and your new pieces of clothing, I just had to! To any women who has had a tramatic time finding what she is looking for and then one magical day finding exactly what you want...you know what I'm feeling like right now! I'm so excited I think I'll go watch some TV!
Yea! Okay, now you have to post a real picture of you in it! Where did you find it?
Ok, you got that idea from Sean! And how is that lame or vain?! I mean, the whole point of a blog is to keep up w/friends/family and if we were still all together, you'd model it so how is this any vainer?
you look hot.
-Uncle Chris
aw shucks:)
LOL! man do I feel bad. Post away, Missi! I might even be persuaded to put up some pictures of my own (besides that one... =)
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