Yesterday evening Dad and Mom said we were gonna go meet some friends at the park. That sounded cool to me, so off we went. When we arrived at the park though, we were told it was about to close. So Kris and I were sad.

But then the adults made a change of plans and we decided to go to a different park. When we arrived at the other park Ben was there. Ben is a really funny guy, he jumped around and laughed and smiled and had me cracking up!

Pretty soon we were off walking towards the play ground. Kyri and I chilled in our strollers, we like to hang out together like this. While we were chillin' my mom was being a total goof. Good thing not to many people were around, otherwise I'd be very embarrassed.

She and Kris did this funky see-saw type thing where they would go up and down holding on with their arms. Mom wasn't too great at it, but she had lots of fun anyway.

She called Dad over and was all "Honey, do this with me, it's so fun!" He teased her a bit and didn't lower the handle is SO short.

They did it for a short while, but every time Dad would go up in the air mom would fall and drop him. Mom is very weak.

Pretty soon I got bored watching mom act like a kid. So I watched Ben get a free ride on this really cool...contraption. Kris twisted the pole and the ride would move.

The park was lots of fun, but my bed time comes pretty early these days, so we had to leave.

Dad and Mom said we could come back to the park some other day. I hope we can do this again soon!
That park had the best toys ever!
wow missi i'm glad you had a good time! ( i always knew you were short,lol how tall are you? i'm 5feet 2in or more cause i'm taller than Jo ) love you
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