Monday, August 06, 2007

My weekend

So Tuesday I woke up with a sore throat and a bad headache. I had hoped my small cold would be over by the time the weekend arrived, but it didn' just got worse:(

Thursday Jade and I packed up into our rental car and headed into Seattle to setup for a conference I would be working at during the weekend. Poor Jade, she hates car rides and cried for about an hours worth of the trip. Once at our destination though she turned on her baby charm and smiled sweetly for all the moms and girls.

Friday I left at 6am to get to Seattle by 8am for the conference and left Jonathan with the task of getting Jade all ready to spend the day with some church friends. The conference was good, but really, really slow. Each hour dragged on as though it would never end and with each hour my throat got worse, my voice got deeper and had to blow my nose more. I felt bad for people who had to talk with me, so I proudly displayed my hand sanitizer on the table to show people I was trying to stay as clean as possible:)
Saturday I spoke with a vendor who worked the "Goodseed" booth. I had never heard of "Goodseed" before and was curious what he sold and why he was at a home school conference.

Most of the materials and books he sold were directed towards unbelievers or people who believed in different religions. He asked me if I was a Missionary (in my neighborhood, church, work, etc...) or if I didn't feel qualified to be one. Conversation with him was very interesting and in the end I bought one of his books called "by this Name" by John R Cross. The book explains Christianity and the Holy Bible starting with creation. Since it isn't written for a Christian everything about the Bible is dissected in an easy to read and understand way. I figured it would be a boring read but something nice to own in case I ever ran into anyone who had questions about God or the Bible that I couldn't answer. However, since the conference was so slow I decided to read it during my breaks. I LOVE the book, it is so interesting to read! You feel like you are reading an ancient story and right when I think I want to ask a question the writer takes a moment to stop and explain more in depth what he just wrote.
I don't know if you can get it at the library, but I would defiantly recommend it to anyone (granted, I haven't finished it yet)

Saturday was a hard day to be away from Jade for so long. With all the home school moms holding their little babies I missed her SO much.

Sunday I felt so bad we didn't try to go to church and I didn't attempt to do anything all day. I fed Jade, laid around, watch a movie, ate chicken soup and took a nice long nap. Jonathan kept busy with books and games. He recently just got himself the Xbox 360 so we played each other for a bit until I got to tried to even play xbox.

I am feeling better today, but I have a cough and sore throat. Jade seems bummed that I am not as animated and therefore not playing with her as much, but she is a trooper and will be just fine:)

Another gloomy summer day in Washington...what happened to our sunshine?

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Oh, poor you. I have worked conferences sick before and it is no fun. The sun is supposed to return and I hope you feel better SOON. -rlr