Friday, November 21, 2008

Conversations with Jade this morning

*Mom going in her room to get her up from bed*

Mom: Good Morning Jade!

Jade: HI! Dadda? Aaa, foot.

Mom: No, Daddy isn't here right now, what's wrong with your foot?

Jade *banging her foot on the side of the crib* Foot, ah, ah, why? aaa mmm

Mom: Oh, did your foot get stuck in the side of the crib?

Jade: Ah huh

Mom: I'm sorry, are you okay?

Jade: ah huh

Mom: Do you want to get up? Are you hungry?

Jade: Eat!! Peeass!

*taking Jade downstairs to the kitchen*

Mom: What do you want for breakfast?

Jade: BANA!

Mom: Oh, you want a banana?

Jade: *clapping with glee* ah, huh!

*hand Jade her banana and then turn around and sneeze*

Jade: u aright?

Mom: Yes, I'm fine. I just sneezed

Jade: Oh

*after breakfast upstairs, I'm on the computer working*

Jade: Ma-Ma! ah ma, ooue, moo, moo?

Mom: You want to watch a movie?

Jade: Ah huh

Mom: What movie do you want to watch? Potty Power or Happy Feet?

Jade: FEET!! Peease!

*grab Happy Feet from movie cabinet*

Jade: Wow!

Mom: You like the movie?

Jade: Ah, huh.

*Jade sneezes*

Mom: Ah oh, are you alright? Do you need a Kleenex?

Jade: Ah huh

*grab tissue, wipe Jade's nose*

Jade: Ank u! (thank you)

Mom: Your welcome.


Kristen said...

She is getting so big and so smart!

Nic Ridley said...

Sounds like CJ in the morning - except throw in there a few "no's" and some crying in there too. ;-)

Sarah M. said...

That's so cute! This is what I'm looking forward too. Lauren's starting to say more and even if it doesn't sound like English I sometimes can understand her. I love it!