My Mom and four youngest siblings were visiting family in Sacramento last week. They decided to drive from CA to WA to come and visit JB, Jade and me for a few days. They arrived last Thursday evening. The first day they were visiting I knew they were tired from their long trip over, so we didn't do much. Later in the morning we headed over to Olympia's Farmers Market and walked around the market and then board walk. Here is Jadey girl with two of her Uncles, Travis and Isaac, and Aunt Lalia.

Jade wasn't to sure about her Uncle Tony, so the next morning he tried to win her over by playing jokes with her baby bib and cereal bowl. Hee, hee

Saturday JB took us all to play "glow-in-the dark" mini golf. The kids all had a great time.
Sunday, after church, we girlies headed out to do some shopping. As we were walking out the door I realized we were all in yellows, purples and reds. So we had to take a picture.

Monday I took the family to Seattle. I wanted the younger kids to see Pike Place Market and walk around downtown for awhile. Everyone loved it! We stopped at Red Robin for lunch, and took a few pictures.

Silly pics of my siblings

Jade making funny faces right back at them. lol

Tuesday we went to the park. Jade got to play on the play ground and the boys got to play basketball.
Wednesday was the day before everyone had to leave. So I decided to put everyone to work. Travis did the vacuuming.

Isaac beat out the rugs

Tony has some crazy dusting skills and dusted the whole house (well, I think Mom did upstairs)

Jade supervised and made lots of funny faces

Lalia cleaned the kitchen and washed all the floors. And mom and I tackled the bathrooms. I think we had the house cleaned in under an hour:)

After cleaning all moring, we went to a really pretty park that opens up to the water. Jade liked throwing rocks in the water.

Travis loved this park the most, I think. He is really into wildlife and snakes and such. He turned over every fallen log he could trying to find one.

Tony didn't seem that thrilled...but he didn't complain.

Then we went downtown again to do more shopping and get some coffee. Here we are at Bratdorf and Bronson with little mocha's and hot chocolates and pumpkin spice cake.

They had some car trouble this morning (Thursday) and mom just called realizing she left her purse here (so they'll be back in about 30min) but soon they will be on their way back to Sacremento, and then I think it's off to L.A. to visit more family and go to Disneyland. We had a wonderful trip, thanks for coming and visiting with us!!!
I love all the funny faces!!!Okay...I think I am starting to miss my family even though I am loving the quiet. lol: )
Looks like fun! I'm jealous!
Say, did you give that white dress to Li? I may have to steal it from her - I just want to keep track of it since it was my after wedding wedding dress!!
Your dad didn't get to visit?
Hey Jade! This is Grandpa Mangione, you sure look cute with all your uncles and Aunt Li. I want to come see you in August when I bring Joanna to Moody in Spokane, WA.
Yay! I loved meeting them and I'm so excited that they are going to Disneyland! Great pictures. :)
Your family are all oh so cute!!!
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