Saturday, October 31, 2009
Harvest Fest
This afternoon we headed over to church for "Harvest Fest". They have free food and candy, games and prize, hay rides and a huge cardboard maze. It didn't take Jade long to start having a great time!
First they spun the giant pumpkin to see how much candy Jade would win.
Then Jade tried her hand at throwing a tiny ping pong ball into open mason jars. She wasn't able to but she still won candy.
Every game they played got more and more exciting. Jade's eyes were so huge and so excited to get to eat candy the whole time!
Upstairs they had a "cake walk". JB and Jade jumped in and on the very first stop Jade won! She got a giant cookie cake!
Here they are headed into the giant cardboard maze. It was to dark inside to get pictures otherwise I would have.
There actually weren't to many ballerina's at the party, but we did run into Caitlyn who was dressed pretty close.
Some cotton candy, popcorn, and a hot dog finished up the night. It was a fun day...lots of sugar!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thoughts on baby
My sister sent me this video today called "A Mother's Prayer" . Of course, I can't watch anything even slightly sentimental without bursting into tears. So even if it's just the pregnancy hormones this really touched me this morning.
I've been thinking a lot about my child(ren) and how my life has changed and how my heart and desires are so full of hopes and dreams for my little ones. There have been more times then I can count where the thoughts sung in the song have popped in my head or been prayed over Jade's tiny body.
Last night, while lying in bed, wide awake, feeling my little baby Bechtle kicking inside me all I could think about is how good God is. How wonderful and amazing his mercies, his love, his power. I was struck with how He has used marriage as a way for me to better understand his love for me and now with children, again, I feel I'm able to understand a little better how his love for us can be so strong, so powerful even when we are so undeserving. Being a parent I can't imagine any love stronger then the love I have for my child. What I wouldn't do for her, give to her, etc.
When I was pregnant with Jade, I was amazed with the process, but I think I was so preoccupied with being a new wife, living in a new state and going through so many new things, that I wasn't able to really be in the moment of my pregnancy. This time around I feel everything, I am aware of everything, and I'm humbled and excited to know that God is giving me not one beautiful baby but TWO! My life is going to change again, change and be different for ever. And it won't just change for me, life is going to change for Jade as well. She gets to be a big sister.
I'm really excited to see Jade in this new role. She is so strong, so sweet, so precious to me. I know she will be a wonderful big sister and friend.
I started putting together an online photo album of Jade's pictures from the last three years. I feel like I'm reliving all of those memories over again and it's all I can do not to keep from crying. (with joy, of course) It's only been three short years, and yet this is my life and I can't imagine it without her. Remembering how excited I was when she first started doing her baby, gurgly talk, then when she first rolled over. Crawling, walking, eating big girl food, saying her first words...saying "I love you Mommy". Now she runs and jumps and colors and counts and reads (some). She uses the potty and is learning to wash her own hair. She helps me with dinner, cleaning, laundry. I love when she comes up to me in the mornings while I'm on the computer. She says "You emailing mommy?" I'll say "yes I am" then she'll say "what we doing today?". lol! What happened to my little poochie bear? My little baby girl who just laid on the floor staring up at the lights on the ceiling.
Sometimes I worry about having another baby. I worry about favoritism and wonder if I can ever love another child as much as I love my first. But then I think how exciting it will be to get to go through the baby process all over again, to get to be filled with awe and wonder as my next child experiences the joys of life anew. And with it, get to see Jade experience a baby sibling for the first time.
I'm so happy right now.
Oh, we get to find out what we are having next Friday! I can't wait to share with everyone what our new baby will be...girl or boy. hee, hee
I've been thinking a lot about my child(ren) and how my life has changed and how my heart and desires are so full of hopes and dreams for my little ones. There have been more times then I can count where the thoughts sung in the song have popped in my head or been prayed over Jade's tiny body.
Last night, while lying in bed, wide awake, feeling my little baby Bechtle kicking inside me all I could think about is how good God is. How wonderful and amazing his mercies, his love, his power. I was struck with how He has used marriage as a way for me to better understand his love for me and now with children, again, I feel I'm able to understand a little better how his love for us can be so strong, so powerful even when we are so undeserving. Being a parent I can't imagine any love stronger then the love I have for my child. What I wouldn't do for her, give to her, etc.
When I was pregnant with Jade, I was amazed with the process, but I think I was so preoccupied with being a new wife, living in a new state and going through so many new things, that I wasn't able to really be in the moment of my pregnancy. This time around I feel everything, I am aware of everything, and I'm humbled and excited to know that God is giving me not one beautiful baby but TWO! My life is going to change again, change and be different for ever. And it won't just change for me, life is going to change for Jade as well. She gets to be a big sister.
I'm really excited to see Jade in this new role. She is so strong, so sweet, so precious to me. I know she will be a wonderful big sister and friend.
I started putting together an online photo album of Jade's pictures from the last three years. I feel like I'm reliving all of those memories over again and it's all I can do not to keep from crying. (with joy, of course) It's only been three short years, and yet this is my life and I can't imagine it without her. Remembering how excited I was when she first started doing her baby, gurgly talk, then when she first rolled over. Crawling, walking, eating big girl food, saying her first words...saying "I love you Mommy". Now she runs and jumps and colors and counts and reads (some). She uses the potty and is learning to wash her own hair. She helps me with dinner, cleaning, laundry. I love when she comes up to me in the mornings while I'm on the computer. She says "You emailing mommy?" I'll say "yes I am" then she'll say "what we doing today?". lol! What happened to my little poochie bear? My little baby girl who just laid on the floor staring up at the lights on the ceiling.
Sometimes I worry about having another baby. I worry about favoritism and wonder if I can ever love another child as much as I love my first. But then I think how exciting it will be to get to go through the baby process all over again, to get to be filled with awe and wonder as my next child experiences the joys of life anew. And with it, get to see Jade experience a baby sibling for the first time.
I'm so happy right now.
Oh, we get to find out what we are having next Friday! I can't wait to share with everyone what our new baby will be...girl or boy. hee, hee
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pretty water bottle please!

My Mother-in-law bought me the best water bottle ever, one with an attached straw. So I actually could drink out of it (if I wanted) while running without spitting water all over myself, or give to Jade for a quick sip without her spitting water every where. I loved it and have used it nearly daily since I got it. However, the constant use as gotten to it, the straw is now split and the whole thing doesn't work very well.
Ever since I bought a running shirt at Lucy a few months back, I've pretty much be in love with the store. I love their styles for sportswear. My excuse for not buying their stuff right now is I'm pregnant, but really the reason is price. Their sale stuff isn't to bad though, and some of those pants I know I could wear even through pregnancy! Still...all I can think about for after I have this baby is buying some cute sportswear and working off all my baby weight.
Until then, if anyone wants to buy me their super cool water bottle (with built in straw) for Christmas, that would be awesome!
Jade in a basket
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The reason I'm in MOPS...
...Is for MOPS meetings like today. Good, good speaker, good, good, table conversation and an all around really relaxing time.
I must admit I don't always enjoy my time at MOPS, but meetings like today make it all worth it. And reminds me to be grateful and thankful for love and effort people give to make MOPS a special place.
I must admit I don't always enjoy my time at MOPS, but meetings like today make it all worth it. And reminds me to be grateful and thankful for love and effort people give to make MOPS a special place.
Monday, October 26, 2009
I hate the library
Perhaps you think "hate" is to strong a word to use against something so wonderful to most of mankind. But when I looked up the meaning of the word hate it said: "to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility"
And then I thought "nope, not to strong a word"
Grrr. I just got back from the library and I'm once again extremely frustrated, irritated and feeling very hostile. It's like those cranky librarians can spot the unseasoned "library goer" and therefore, I must not be good enough to step foot in their book filled facility. So do they help me. No. They pity me. Look at me with confused expressions, patronizingly ask me question like "did it say the book was checked in?". No, I'm not only non-frequenter of the library, I'm also a complete fool. Grrr.
Today's experience took me from one librarian to the "youth librarian reseacher" to some older librarian stacking books. No one ever followed through with their assistance and in the end the list of "recommendations" handed to me on the yellow and black flyer turned up with ZERO books in stock.
I HATE the library. I find nothing, get horrible assistance and in the end justify my reasons for rarely going to the library. I really must fix this issue I have with the library so my child doesn't grow up disliking it as much as I do.
Once again I will send my husband to the library with my list of needs. My husband has magical powers at the library. Not only can he find the books on my list, he also is able to return with others I never even thought of that I want/need, AND he normally returns in just as good a mood...if not better...then when he left. I on the other hand will continue hating the library until the day I finally am able to figure out the wacky system and meet a nice librarian helper.
And then I thought "nope, not to strong a word"
Grrr. I just got back from the library and I'm once again extremely frustrated, irritated and feeling very hostile. It's like those cranky librarians can spot the unseasoned "library goer" and therefore, I must not be good enough to step foot in their book filled facility. So do they help me. No. They pity me. Look at me with confused expressions, patronizingly ask me question like "did it say the book was checked in?". No, I'm not only non-frequenter of the library, I'm also a complete fool. Grrr.
Today's experience took me from one librarian to the "youth librarian reseacher" to some older librarian stacking books. No one ever followed through with their assistance and in the end the list of "recommendations" handed to me on the yellow and black flyer turned up with ZERO books in stock.
I HATE the library. I find nothing, get horrible assistance and in the end justify my reasons for rarely going to the library. I really must fix this issue I have with the library so my child doesn't grow up disliking it as much as I do.
Once again I will send my husband to the library with my list of needs. My husband has magical powers at the library. Not only can he find the books on my list, he also is able to return with others I never even thought of that I want/need, AND he normally returns in just as good a mood...if not better...then when he left. I on the other hand will continue hating the library until the day I finally am able to figure out the wacky system and meet a nice librarian helper.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Vreize annual Pumpkin party
Saturday, October 24, 2009
18 weeks
I'm now at 18weeks. Feeling pretty good most of the time, starting to get uncomfortable as my baby belly gets larger
Feeling baby Bechtle move around a lot, in fact, I have been for a few weeks now. It's a tough little munchkin. We get to find out in just a few weeks, I can't wait to know what we are having.
It will be fun to tell Jade if she is having a baby sister or a baby brother (though I'm guessing it's a girl since pregnancy is going pretty much the same as when I had Jade). Jade has gone from not caring about her baby dolls to caring for the one below constantly. The doll will "cry" until you feed her it's bottle or pacifier. Jade will say "it's okay baby, here you go"
I know she is going to be a great big sister and a wonderful little helper to me when baby bechtle arrives.
We are off to a friends pumpkin party this wonderful Saturday. Hope you are all having a great day as well!
We are off to a friends pumpkin party this wonderful Saturday. Hope you are all having a great day as well!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Not much on blogging
Facebook has sucked me in. I don't feel the need to blog as much since I'm on FB and chat up my friends there and post pictures and everything there. I feel bad, when I go to my blog and realize so much time has passed since I last posted.
It's hard for me to keep up with more then one "social networking" outlet. But, I keep this blog, for the happy few who are bloggers more then they are facebook-ers and for when there are pictures that need more explaining or just a better display then what is provided on facebook.
I have to admit though, I'm not taking as many pictures as I use to. Not because Jade doesn't have just as much (if not more) picture worthy moments, I just can't seem to get to the camera fast enough.
As I type this she is sitting on my lap singing her "ABC's" and telling me what i should be typing. Ya gotta love it.
Just wanted to let you all know I'm still out here, still pregnant, still a mommy of the worlds most adorable 2yr old and still busy with church and MOPS and friends and domestic life.
It's hard for me to keep up with more then one "social networking" outlet. But, I keep this blog, for the happy few who are bloggers more then they are facebook-ers and for when there are pictures that need more explaining or just a better display then what is provided on facebook.
I have to admit though, I'm not taking as many pictures as I use to. Not because Jade doesn't have just as much (if not more) picture worthy moments, I just can't seem to get to the camera fast enough.
As I type this she is sitting on my lap singing her "ABC's" and telling me what i should be typing. Ya gotta love it.
Just wanted to let you all know I'm still out here, still pregnant, still a mommy of the worlds most adorable 2yr old and still busy with church and MOPS and friends and domestic life.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A few pictures from Indy
Jade and I got to go visit Grandpa and Grandma Bechtle this and last week. Grandma flew me down to join her for a ladies retreat on Friday/Saturday and I brought Jade along because she's just so much fun.
Friday Jade and I went to go check out Grandma's office and hang out for a few hours. Jade was thrilled to find a picture of her on grandma's computer.
Friday night Grandma and I left for the ladies retreat while Grandpa and Aunt Autumn stayed behind to watch Jade. They had a grand ol' time together.
Aunt Autumn brought one of her dogs, Oreo, to come play with Jade. Jade loved that. I think Oreo wants a bite of Jade's banana.
Sunday after church Grandpa and Grandma treated us to a delicious lunch at a near by restaurant. It was such a beautiful day I made them pose for a picture afterward.
Sunday evening Aunt Nic and cousin CJ drove three hours to come hang out with us. Right away the cousins started having a good time.
Sometime during the playing CJ decided he wanted to "wrestle" and Jade decided she wanted Grandpa to be her toy horse. Good thing Jade isn't heavy yet. lol
Monday while Grandpa and Grandma were working, Aunt Nic and cousin CJ joined us for a day trip to the mall. After lunch we let the kids play in the play area for awhile. They had a good time together.
Monday evening Nic and CJ had to head back home, so we said goodbye.
Tuesday Grandma and Aunt Autumn took the day off from work so we could all spend it together. We drove an hour and half to an old fashion town called "Nashville" It was full of fun little touristy shops and cute cafe's.
Somewhere along the way Aunt Autumn spied these toy horses and decided she and Jade needed to take a break.
Wednesday morning Jade and I took our flights back home to Washington. We had a great time in Indy visiting the Grandparents, Aunts and cousin. It's always fun to make special memories!
Friday Jade and I went to go check out Grandma's office and hang out for a few hours. Jade was thrilled to find a picture of her on grandma's computer.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
We decided late yesterday afternoon to go visit the pumpkin patch. It was a beautiful day and we figured it was now or most likely never.
Jade got a big kick out of feeding the goats. Those goats are CRAZY though! lol
Jonathan went and got himself some hot cider and tickets so we could take the tractor ride to the pumpkin field. Jade thought that was pretty cool.
JB helped Jade find a tiny pumpkin right away. I kept trying to offer her other pumpkins but she would say "no, that's dirty" or "I have a pumpkin here". She didn't let go of her tiny pumpkin the rest of the time
JB went off to find a more manly pumpkin for himself
While I favored the short, squat y, super orange-y colored pumpkins
After picking out four pumpkins (because, after all...we had to get one for the baby in my tummy) We headed back for some more play time at the farm. Jade fed more goats and then got to go down the super big slide. She is such a big girl now she didn't need any help!
Right before heading home we let her play on the old tractor. Daddy got behind her and told her what all the gears were for and how to drive it...if it worked. She was pretty happy.
That was fun, can't wait to go back next year!
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