Thursday, October 22, 2009

Not much on blogging

Facebook has sucked me in. I don't feel the need to blog as much since I'm on FB and chat up my friends there and post pictures and everything there. I feel bad, when I go to my blog and realize so much time has passed since I last posted.

It's hard for me to keep up with more then one "social networking" outlet. But, I keep this blog, for the happy few who are bloggers more then they are facebook-ers and for when there are pictures that need more explaining or just a better display then what is provided on facebook.

I have to admit though, I'm not taking as many pictures as I use to. Not because Jade doesn't have just as much (if not more) picture worthy moments, I just can't seem to get to the camera fast enough.

As I type this she is sitting on my lap singing her "ABC's" and telling me what i should be typing. Ya gotta love it.

Just wanted to let you all know I'm still out here, still pregnant, still a mommy of the worlds most adorable 2yr old and still busy with church and MOPS and friends and domestic life.


Missi said...


GJ and Vicka said...

I know you are blogging for ME:) Since I do not have a face book I am reading your blog. You know Missi I went to our local MOPS group and I am having fun in there:) Just thinking about you:)