Saturday, February 27, 2010
I'm starting my 9 month!!
For all things wonderful and holy I praise the Lord in heaven for bringing the end of February to me today. I'm starting my 9 month and I'm VERY happy to be almost done with this pregnancy. While I can't say I have any real complaints (because I do have pretty simple, easy, pregnancies...well, so far) there really isn't anything I find enjoyable about the discomforts and weight gain that pregnancy brings. So, I can't wait for it to be over and to get to meet baby Cutter!!
Here I am doing a "happy, pregnant, robot" dance for all of you to see. Nothing is quite as humorous as watching a pregnant lady dance, and it's even funnier if it's the funky robot. Don't believe me? Come over and we'll have a dance party! lol
Oh, and I'm really excited about my brand new nail color, that I just bought yesterday. Here I'm doing some mad posing to show off my amazing coral-ish, orange-y, pink nails for the world to see. Tell me you love the color, because I DO!
That's all for today. This cloudy Saturday should be fairly calm with a quick visit to my dear friend to meet her brand new, little baby girl. Toodles!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Cider Mill
Normally I spend my Monday mornings walking with a friend around the mall. However, we have been having such fabulous weather lately we decided instead of walking the mall, we'd do something fun with our kids. So we headed off to Lattin Cider Mill in Olympia. Jade and I had never been before, so we were very excited.
First things first, the kids got a little miniature carousal ride. Then it was inside for some cider and donuts and to buy some feed to give to the goats and other animals.
we fed some chickens...
and some goats...
and more goats...
and more...
then over to the Peacock area where we also saw little Quails and Ring necked pheasants
We were told there was a baby calf somewhere to be found so we head over to the cow pasture to try to find it.
there it is! Mommy cow stayed really close and the closer we got to the fence the more Mommy cow stepped in front of her baby cow. Still, I wanted to get a picture of Jade and I together.
To end it all the kids got to check for fish in the little fish pond and then got individual rides on the toy of their choice.
We had a great time! So glad we opted to do something fun instead of walking today!
First things first, the kids got a little miniature carousal ride. Then it was inside for some cider and donuts and to buy some feed to give to the goats and other animals.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Jade dressed herself!!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Baby on my mind
As my eight month nears it's end all I can think about is upcoming baby time drawing near! Yesterday I did some washing and drying and actual preparing for babies arrival. I know I'm a bit early, but I've had extra time to spend at home (Jade has a cold) so I'm looking for things to keep me busy.
I recently bought my first baby monitor too! We didn't need/have one with Jade since when she was born her room was right next to ours. Now that we live in a two story house, I thought I'd get one since we are downstairs and baby will be upstairs. I just tried it out with Jade, she thought it was pretty cool when I set it up in her room. She sat on her bed going "hello mommy, can you hear me? Can you hear me?" while I responded in the other room. I think she thought it was a walkie talkie, lol!
I have plenty of clothes (Thanks friends!) blankets, socks, toys, wash clothes, booties, wipes, even diapers! I'm really looking forward to doing cloth diapers from nearly the start with baby number two. I say "nearly" because I figure I'll use disposables the first month or two while I'm still in the recovery and getting use to my new life stage. Then I'm switching to the super cool BumGenius 3.0 diapers!
Thanks to my Mother-in-law I was also able to get babies room decorated in the nautical theme we wanted to go with, so even that is pretty much ready!
I'm also thinking about the actual labor and delivery part. Since I'm doing a home birth this time around I have found myself realizing all the wonderful freedom I will have during labor. I am creating a list of things I want to try to help distract me during the slow part of labor (when it's just pain and contractions). Some of the ideas on my list are "playing xbox, preferably killing games like Halo and Star Wars, watching romantic comedies, listening to light, upbeat music, taking walks outside (weather permitting), having and reading off a list of some of my favorite scripture verses to keep me focused on the Lord, especially when I feel like dying. lol Taking periodic showers to keep me relaxed (or baths), emailing, facebooking, and drinking/eating whatever I want if I want it!!! That last part is the most important. After laboring for over 27hrs (not including pushing time) all I was allowed was a little bit of juice and water...I felt so weak and horrible...not this time, if I need some energy via food, I'm gonna eat some energy!!
Anyway, those are some things on my mind right now. I know with babies you can't really plan anything. But I like the idea of having something thought or written out on the rare occasion I have a very routine, normal and pretty much boring labor and delivery experience. And if I don't, well, I'm pretty good with just going with the flow.
That's what on my mind lately. That and swollen feet, tired body, a huge baby belly and realizing it won't be much longer and I can burn these maternity pants if I so wish! hahahahaa!
I recently bought my first baby monitor too! We didn't need/have one with Jade since when she was born her room was right next to ours. Now that we live in a two story house, I thought I'd get one since we are downstairs and baby will be upstairs. I just tried it out with Jade, she thought it was pretty cool when I set it up in her room. She sat on her bed going "hello mommy, can you hear me? Can you hear me?" while I responded in the other room. I think she thought it was a walkie talkie, lol!
I have plenty of clothes (Thanks friends!) blankets, socks, toys, wash clothes, booties, wipes, even diapers! I'm really looking forward to doing cloth diapers from nearly the start with baby number two. I say "nearly" because I figure I'll use disposables the first month or two while I'm still in the recovery and getting use to my new life stage. Then I'm switching to the super cool BumGenius 3.0 diapers!
Thanks to my Mother-in-law I was also able to get babies room decorated in the nautical theme we wanted to go with, so even that is pretty much ready!
I'm also thinking about the actual labor and delivery part. Since I'm doing a home birth this time around I have found myself realizing all the wonderful freedom I will have during labor. I am creating a list of things I want to try to help distract me during the slow part of labor (when it's just pain and contractions). Some of the ideas on my list are "playing xbox, preferably killing games like Halo and Star Wars, watching romantic comedies, listening to light, upbeat music, taking walks outside (weather permitting), having and reading off a list of some of my favorite scripture verses to keep me focused on the Lord, especially when I feel like dying. lol Taking periodic showers to keep me relaxed (or baths), emailing, facebooking, and drinking/eating whatever I want if I want it!!! That last part is the most important. After laboring for over 27hrs (not including pushing time) all I was allowed was a little bit of juice and water...I felt so weak and horrible...not this time, if I need some energy via food, I'm gonna eat some energy!!
Anyway, those are some things on my mind right now. I know with babies you can't really plan anything. But I like the idea of having something thought or written out on the rare occasion I have a very routine, normal and pretty much boring labor and delivery experience. And if I don't, well, I'm pretty good with just going with the flow.
That's what on my mind lately. That and swollen feet, tired body, a huge baby belly and realizing it won't be much longer and I can burn these maternity pants if I so wish! hahahahaa!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Push Back!
Jade and I attended our first political rally yesterday. We attend the Freedom Foundations Push Back rally on the Capital steps. Jade was really excited about going to the "Capital" a place she often calls "the castle" when we drive by it. She was a bit bummed that it was overcast and foggy when we arrived, because she wasn't able to see the top of the building. But eventually the fog lifted.
Here she is with Daddy before the rally started.
After the rally she was VERY excited to actually go inside the Capital. Here she is outside the Governors office.
All in all it was a very exciting morning!
Here she is with Daddy before the rally started.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentines Day
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Chuck E. Cheese
With V-day coming up and my energy being totally sucked from my body, I decided instead of staying home and making cookies with Jade, I'd take her out and let her do something fun! We decided on Chuck E. Cheese this morning. We had never been before but after seeing how she reacted at Charlie Safari the other day, I decided to give it a whirl. She LOVED it!
Her favorite games to play were those that involved steering wheels and horse reins.
Not to mention the slide in the toddler area!
here she is saying "Weee"
this ride let's you look at a screen to show you were you are going, most of the time they where running into walls, but she still had a blast. I think she needs her Aunt Autumn to teach her how to steer with reins.
After a full morning of Chuck E Cheese time, some lunch at McDonals and an hour long nap at home, Jade is now happily drawing "hand" pictures with her super fabulous arts kit, she got for her birthday from a friend.
I took this pic so you could see how good she is getting at tracing her hands on the orange paper!
She may not really care or understand I'm trying to make the day special due to Valentine's Day, but all the same we've had a great day and I love my tiny Valentine Jade!
Her favorite games to play were those that involved steering wheels and horse reins.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Super Bowl Sunday
After a lovely Sunday sermon, a nice light lunch, and a bit of super bowl snack preparation. We all got in the car to head to some friends for a little party time. On the way we stopped by Cutters Point so Jonathan could get a "Colts Mocha"
That's right folks, this "Colts Mocha" has a blend of white chocolate and blueberry flavoring so your crazy, coffee, loving fan can show his team spirit in his coffee! lol
Jade did her occasional "Go Colts!" cheering through out the game
But mostly she and Kyri just ran around like little crazy girls, having a fabulous time
The Colts may not have won thd Super Bowl this year, but we, as a family, still remain devoted fans:)
Friday, February 05, 2010
My Jade is getting so big
I was talking with someone yesterday (was that you Cristy) who was telling me how strange it was to have a toddler and then give birth to a tiny baby and all of a sudden your little toddler seemed to grow an extra two feet. It makes me want to cry just thinking about the fact my baby is so big and so grown up. Of course, I love that she is growing and I love each new stage of her life, I just know it's going to be a shock to see baby Cutter next to my baby Jade...who isn't much of a baby any more.
We went to a birthday party last night at Charlie Safari and all I had to do was walk around and watch her go from one bouncy house, to one once crazy slide, to one climbing area, after another. I didn't have to help her or hold her hand or push her up because she is to short to reach something. Then, when we went to play in the arcade I found my little girl can throw skeet balls (is that what they are called?) and do race car driving and all sorts of stuff and all she needed from me was more coins.
What happened to my baby girl? lol
This morning I'm watching two little 2 and 3yr old girls for some friends of mine. They are all in Jade's room dressed up in either tutu's or princess dresses. Playing nicely together, baking pretend food and caring for baby dolls and reading little books and having imaginary play with the little tikes princess castle. I just want to go in there and squeeze them all, they are being SO cute! Who would have thought play dates could be so much fun? And so easy?
In other news, it's my sisters birthday today! Happy birthday Nic! And Sunday is my other sister, Joanna's birthday. Then later this month is my youngest brother, Isaac's birthday. This is a birthday full month! It start off with my sister-in-laws, Autumn's, birthday on the 1st. Gotta love it!
We went to a birthday party last night at Charlie Safari and all I had to do was walk around and watch her go from one bouncy house, to one once crazy slide, to one climbing area, after another. I didn't have to help her or hold her hand or push her up because she is to short to reach something. Then, when we went to play in the arcade I found my little girl can throw skeet balls (is that what they are called?) and do race car driving and all sorts of stuff and all she needed from me was more coins.
What happened to my baby girl? lol
This morning I'm watching two little 2 and 3yr old girls for some friends of mine. They are all in Jade's room dressed up in either tutu's or princess dresses. Playing nicely together, baking pretend food and caring for baby dolls and reading little books and having imaginary play with the little tikes princess castle. I just want to go in there and squeeze them all, they are being SO cute! Who would have thought play dates could be so much fun? And so easy?
In other news, it's my sisters birthday today! Happy birthday Nic! And Sunday is my other sister, Joanna's birthday. Then later this month is my youngest brother, Isaac's birthday. This is a birthday full month! It start off with my sister-in-laws, Autumn's, birthday on the 1st. Gotta love it!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
My Dad makes me laugh
Monday, February 01, 2010
Said to me today
*scene* pushing Jade in a cart at Michael's. Little boy no bigger then two or three walking straight at me.
Boy: *serious eyes* Excuse me, lady.
Boy's mother: *sigh* sorry, that's my son.
Boy: *serious eyes* Excuse me, lady.
Boy's mother: *sigh* sorry, that's my son.
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